true love awaits

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Empires S1 AU
Lizzie's pov:-

"Lizzie I am so sorry...."

"Joel do you have to go?"

"Unfortunately yes"

"But what will I do without you!?"

"I am sure you'll find new friends. Besides, you know what to do when you need me"

"sing our song?"

"Yes. Now I have to leave lizzie. Good bye. I'll miss you"

"good bye Joel I'll never forget you"

15 years since Joel, who was a prince, left.

We were only 7 when we seperated. Basically children.

I never really forgot about him. Now that I think, that's because I had this really big crush on him. Maybe more than that.

I was a kid that time and didn't knew what love or loving someone was like.
But I knew that there were probably no chances of him remembering me or meeting me. Ever.

I knew my fate. This was a onesided childhood love which was so stupid that it cannot even fall to reality.

All this years, all that nights I kept playing the image of us separating. Him moving. Missing him terribly.

I sighed, watching over the sun set and merge into the sea.

Every little second I find myself vacant, I start thinking about him.

These stupid thoughts hover over my head like;

What is he looking like right now?
Probably hot and the most adorable cutest of all.

Does he remember me?
He might've forgotten you.

Does he have a girlfriend?
Probably. He won't wait for you. He's way out of your league.

That's true I feel like. He might've even forgot about me.

"Lizzie what are you thinking about!?" I shook away my thoughts about him and saw Jimmy standing there.

"Oh my god Jimmy when did you came here!?" I asked my slightly younger brother hugging him.

"Well apparently you zoned out when your personal lady try calling you several times. So she came out frustrated and informed me to go by myself" he explained.

Oh. Jeez.

"well leave that behind, Why are you here? And how's your empire running?" I asked him.

"My kingdom is doing very well lizzie. I came here coz father called me here to discuss about something very important." Jimmy said shrugging.

I smiled thinking about the time when me and Jim were coronated.

"Lizzie I am nervous. What do you think which kingdom I'll get to run over? Dad's swamp kingdom or mom's ocean empire?" Jimmy asked on our way to the main room where everyone must be waiting.

Today's our coronation. I'll officially become a queen from princess.

I feel like this is a burden of responsibility and I know I can't back out.

And so, I am glowing with pride as well as nervous wreck.

"Either way Jimmy. You're gonna rule something or other. We don't know but we'll do soon!" I said.

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