too late...?

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High school AU oneshot...

Lizzie watched her crush, maybe even more than that..... Her "bestfriend" who was very oblivious, jerk, egoistic, narcissist boy who was pretty popular for his charming yet chaotic personality and..... Very handsome [more of stupidly cute in lizzie's opinion]

His name is.... Joel.

"hey lizard...." Joel came and said while giving his signature smile. The smile that melted her heart every time.

"HEY that's rude beanstalk" lizzie smirked mocking him back with same energy.

"ughh fine I got the hint I'll stop" he rolled his eyes.

Well Joel always wondered why he never got back at lizzie when she pranked or mocked back.

Ehh maybe thats because she's his bestfriend right? rightttt?

Lizzie always looked towards those little moments with joel. She knew that she would never get a chance with him.

He's way out of league anyway. But her stupid heart won't stop thumping when their hands brushed or got closer and her full face heated up every. Single. Time.

"So... When did you start dating?" Joel asked that caught lizzie off gaurd.

"Excuse me" lizzie chuckled confusedly.

"umm aren't you dating Oli?" he asked. Okay now this was IT for Lizzie.

"How could you even think that I'm dating Oli Joel I love you" lizzie said.

"I love you too liz" joel said shrugging but still confused.

"Everyone in this school except you knows that I am in love with you from all those years Joel that too not platonically but more than a friend. How are SOO oblivious about this. Cmon" lizzie bursted while joel widen his eyes.

Lizzie was in what now? His lip quivered. His heart sank.

"L-lizzie I-i... How can you b-be in love with m-me" Joel was in denial right now.

Nothing made sense for him right now.

"yeah Joel? Do you even know what I went through all this time... When you went to different dates, flirted with different meany chics in front of me? My heart shattered into pieces. And they broke more when you told me to try and set you up with someone. All this time I had been putting it all for you. Tolerating. For you." lizzie was crying by now. Joel was also in tears now.

"No lizzie..." Joel tried speaking but words didn't came out of his mouth.

"What are you saying? Dating Oli..... Oh yeah I should've been dating him I feel now. He did asked me out but I obviously denied Joel. I can't just do this anymore. I can't act like nothing is going on and be all cheery with you. I'm sorry but I need a break" she said and walked away with tears, still rolling down her cheeks.

Meanwhile Joel was stunned, shocked, and mostly so fucking angry on himself for letting lizzie go.

How the hell did he manage to not notice the crush or liking that Lizzie had for him? They are best friends and was supposed to know every single thing even if not shared....

Well.... Were to be honest. Joel messed up big time. His stomach churned and heart pained.

Tears glistening on his face.

"you stupid dumb... Ughh" he muttered under his breath.

How can he see all those girls when he had the real gem beside him all this time...

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