you're not alone

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Empires S2...


"I DON'T FUCKING NEED YOU TOO" He said matching the voice.

"You can't take care of this son of yours and you need to learn to give him some time" she said.

"Then what the fuck have i got YOU for huh?!" he said.

"Is it just my son that I'm responsible for him? No right. He's your son too and I've had way too much. I'm leaving" she left.

Left the kid all alone, to suffer.

His mother, who protected him by calming his father was now gone.

The kid sobbed, the blanket over his head.... Praying silently that this was a dream.

Praying that his mother wouod come back. Save him from his father.

"where the fuck are you? Here you are" his father shouted, taking off the blanket over his head.

The kid looked at his father and froze.

"YOUR MOTHER LEFT BECAUSE OF YOU. Do your realise that?" he shouted.

"dad... I-i...." kid spoke softly stuttering.
"Now be a big man and face it!!!" father said.

Small child, clearly too small to face all this shit, became scared as he got ready for the upcoming thing.

He stiffened and there it was.


Years of physical abuse, mental stress everyday.

That made him so hard, rude, arrogant a bully and strong from outside.

But weak, pathetic, soft and broken from inside.


after Jimmy and Joel made a peace with their 'law and lore' building And hermitcraft members went back....

Everything was going fine. But was it though?

Well recently, Joel had gotten really clingy. Which's really unusual of himself.
"Heyy Lizzie what are you doing right now?" Joel asked the 3rd time in the day.

Lizzie was quite annoyed because she couldn't find right amount of materials she needed to build her new district.

"I told you I'm building something Joel! Just go right now..." She said kinda harshly.

"Oh... Okay. I'm sorry for disturbing you. I'll go now" Joel said in a low voice,enough for her to hear.
Then he wanted to hang out with people a lot... Which was kind of not possible because of their busy schedule.
"Jimmy whatcha upto lad?!" Joel flyed down with the help of elytra.

"Joel it'd be nice if you would meet me some other day?" Jimmy asked nicely.

"Why... I just wanted to chill with you" he said sadly.

"Hey bud. It's fine. I'm just busy because I need to build and complete those stupid rails... And as you know me, it'll take a while so" Jimmy explained.

"Well I do understand. Thanks for your time sheriff" Joel left before Jimmy could even say something back.
It was hard for others to actually say straight up no to Joel because he is their friend but still manage to turn his offer down.

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