forbidden love

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Jizzie in AU...

Lizzie's pov:-

Well another year of this disgusting high school and overly weak angels. EW.

Can't believe I have to bare all of them. Angels are very more in number than us devils but racket and harm we cause is noticeable.

Yes I'm an 3rd year devil. I'll be graduating from this freaky place in next 2 years. Ugh.

"Heyy gurl Whatcha thinking?" I saw Lauren, another devil and one of my closest friend coming towards me with evil grin.

"nothing just thinking how I have to bare this school for what... Like 2 more years" I rolled my eyes. She nodded.

"Well it will be fun if we pull some more pranks on the stupid angels..." she smirked. I grinned.

We do pull multiple pranks on angels here. And they all fear us. Lol. It's only way to pass out time. Many a times we get into trouble coz they report is to principal.

But all our grumpy principal does is get us into detention. Like who gives detention the 789th time. I don't even care anymore.

"let's have some fun with Bobby and his certainly a new friend that has came... I saw him. He's an angel too" Scott came and almost scared me.

Keyword- ALMOST.

"jeez Scott when did you came?" Lauren asked to the fellow devil.

"Just now. Liz do you have a plan or not?" he asked. I shook my head indicating a no.

"Uh guys can we skip pranking today and help me actually finishing this project?" Lauren asked.

What's up with her? She never denys pestering angels. Oh. OHHH NO.

"Lauren why are you telling this? Don't tell us you have a crush on one of the angels...." I screamed.

"No WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU THINK THAT LIZZIE?" she screamed back at Me.

"because you scream whenever you are panicked Lauren. And jeez just lay off she was just asking you. No need to get moody" Scott said.

"Well lizzie you're thinking wrong so F off and if that's what you think then fine go to hell project.... I am comin with you 2 to make angel's life hell" Lauren said in a 'Idc' way.

We went to cafeteria because according to Scott, they should be here.

We saw bobby, which we already knew. But he's talking to another 2 boys.

One of them being fucking hot.

Shut up gosh.

"HEYY LOSERS" we 3 chorused walking up to them.

"Oh great. What a nice way to start our day. We have to see this devils" bobby rolled his eyes.

He's one the angels who aren't afraid of us surprisingly. I see Lauren literally balling her eyes out checking him out.

"well hey I'm oli! An angel that has came here to become a gatekeeper apparently... What are you 3----" the boy with a weird panda hat but cute face was rambling when Scott couldn't keep himself from bursting.

"WHAT THE HELL MAHN why aren't you scared of us!?" Scott bursted while shooting daggers at him.

"well you aren't that scary. Look into a mirror Mr. Not so scary" the guy named Oli said. I saw Lauren barely able to contain her laugh while I just lost it and started laughing.

"I'm outta here. You 2 better make it up to me bitches" Scott pushed his way past us and went. Oh no.

"I will get back to you guys later... But you won't be spared" I looked at the hot messy brown haired boy, who was quiet uptil now.

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