the death I lived

71 3 14

Joel's pov:-

Today I am here with my dog Meri, taking her on a walk around our neighborhood.

she's in a playful mood today. And so she is leading and walking me... Rather than me walking her.

"Jeez meri slow down we're going to your mother now" I said softly pulling her.

I could see our house in front of me, just the other side of road. And seems like Lizzie is there out waiting for us.

I smiled to myself as I clutched the dog's leash more tightly.

But I guess meri saw her as she began hyperventilating seeing, where lizzie was standing.

"NO MERI STOP." I screamed at her. But she continued forcing me.

Many vehicles were passing on the road. I had to make her stand on one place. Usually meri's not this stubborn but I guess she's in a mood.

My hand hurt so I let go of her leash for one second. And she ran towards lizzie.

I saw a car coming, honking multiple times.

"MERI" both me and Lizzie screamed at our top voices making the dog confused as she stopped looking at me and then lizzie.

I ran towards the dog and pushed it ahead of road. Before I could comprehend anything, the car hit me.

That's it. I saw blood pooling around me.

I blinked the last time.

I'm dead.

I saw lizzie scream my name.

I saw Meri whining loudly.

I saw Scott and other neighbors come rushing.

Lizzie rushed to my body and shakily patted my cheeks.

It hurt me as hell seeing her crying.

She clutched my body, held it tighter and cried out loud. She led out a scream.

"YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME JOEL. YOU CAN'T...." She screamed. I felt a pang.

I see Scott hurriedly call 999 but some other neighbors said it was of no use. I was dead.

Scott hugged lizzie tightly. I saw him cry for the first time.

"Joel please... Babe. Babe come back to me please. I fucking love you. Please Joel.... DON'T LEAVE ME" she cried till she couldn't even breath.

No lizzie. Please do not cry. It fucking hurts me.

She leaned her head onto Scott who was rubbing her shoulder to calm her.
I hugged her tight. Kissed her forehead. But it was of no use, she couldn't feel my presence.

I felt like dying 1000 times once again. I fucking didn't felt anything.


Lizzie's pov:-

I felt like millions of bullets shot in my heart. No way he left me.

He left me alone in this world.

I had cried up to this point that now no tears came out of my eyes. Just pure pain remains.

It was my fault. I was right there. I could have done something to save him.

Instead, I just stood there like a buffoon.

This all happened because of me. If I didn't stood there, nothing would've happened.

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