Some alone time!

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Max and Caleb hear the doors close and they share a kiss. Caleb smiles at Max and he gets up and grabs the food. He hands Max a plate with two pieces of pizza on it. Max smiles and Caleb get his food. They start eating and they talk. Caleb(C) and Max(M). 

(C) Why didn't you say you were hungry?

(M) Usually, I don't get hungry. I didn't want to upset them. 

(C) Things are changing. They will not go back to the way it was. Jackson said we could all run together. He has money saved up too. He has a degree he can find a job easy. We may have to live in a two-bedroom apartment, but he would take care of all of us. 

(M) I know, but it still worries me. It's in the back of my mind. If I make one mistake it all goes back to the way it was before. 

(C) I promise I will never let that happen.

(M) Thank you. 

Caleb smiles at Max and they finish eating. He hands Max his drink and pill. Max takes it and Caleb drinks some of his drink. He grabs the plates and carries them down to the kitchen. Max uses the bathroom and crawls back in the bed. He is waiting for Caleb to get back. Meanwhile Sam(S) and Jackson(J) will talk. 

Both boys took turns using the bathroom and now they are getting ready for bed. 

(J) What do you like to sleep in?

(S) Boxers usually. Max has been sleeping with us though. We have been wearing a shirt too. His body is sore and bruised. He is afraid to be seen without a shirt on.

(J) Boxers it is. It will just be us. 

They take their shirts off and they crawl under the covers. Sam lays on the far end of the bed. He seems nervous to be sleeping with Jackson. 

(J) I am sorry about today. I know we hurt Caleb's feelings. We should have been nicer. We were just excited to get Max stuff too. 

(S) He was just worried. He thinks this is all his fault. 

(J) We are going to speak about it again. We are going to make sure he knows it is our fault and not his.  

(S) Ok. 

(J) Are you scared of me?

(S) Why would you ask that?

(J) You are laying on the very end of the bed. 

(S) I just didn't know if you really wanted me to sleep with you. Grayson, Zack, and you are so much closer with each other than with us. Even when yall were mean to Max, you never invited us to sleep with yall or hang out. You three did your thing and Caleb and I did our thing. Then we left Max alone. The only time we really spend together is watching tv, movies, or game nights. 

(J) I am sorry about that. We are all going to try harder. Do you want to slide over any? 

(S) Yeah. 

Sam slides over and a little. Jackson looks at him. Jackson pulls him closer and cuddles Sam into his side. 

(J) I see the way you sleep with Caleb and Max. You like to cuddle and be held. I know I have been a bad brother. I promise I am trying to change. Will you give me a chance?

(S) Yeah. 

(J) Something else is bothering you. 

(S) How do you know? 

(J) I can tell. Do you want to talk about it? 

Sam places his hand on Jackson's chest. He lays his head on his arm. 

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