Could things be changing?

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Grayson dropped Max off at school. He was walking in and heading to his locker when the twins pulled him into a closet and locked the door. This conversation will be between Sam(S), Caleb(C), and Max(M).

(M) What is wrong?

Sam hugs Max. Max can tell he has been crying. Caleb hugs Max too. 

(C) We want you to know things are going to change.

(S) If they do not stop hitting you we are leaving.

(M) Who is?

(C) Us three.

(S) We have six thousand dollars. It won't last us long, but Caleb and I can get part time jobs. We can afford something. 

(M) You two would do that for me?

(C) Yes. 

(S) I would too. 

(M) Why? 

(C) No one is treating you like this anymore. 

(S) We love you. I am sorry I never took up for you. I am sorry I never came in and slept with you while it thundered. 

(M) You were not nice to me, you ignored me. You were also not mean. You just never tried to stick up for me and defend me like Caleb. Why are you trying now? 

(C) I told him if he didn't, I would leave and take you with me. 

(S) I am not losing another brother. I am fighting for my brothers. 

(M) Thank you. 

Max hugs them. They all walk out and head to the lockers. Zack sees them coming out of the closet and he gets concerned. He thinks Max told them. He waits for first period to start and calls all three boys down to the office. They all arrive and go into his office. This conversation will be between Zack(Z), Caleb(C), Sam(S), and Max(M).

(Z) Boys sit down now. 

(S) Is everything ok?

(Z) I don't know you tell me. 

(C) What do you mean?

(M) Did we do something wrong?

(Z) Why were you three coming out of the closet this morning? You were in there talking. What was that about. 

(C) Oh, that is simple. If any of you hit Max again, we tell everyone. 

(S) We will also start fighting back. There are three of us. 

(C) You are not going to beat or torture him anymore. We are sick and tired of it. 

(S) How is it going to look when three of your younger brothers have marks all over their bodies? 

(Z) Boys we will talk about this at home. I promise there will be no more beatings. There will only be spankings when someone deserves them. 

(C) Good, because Max does everything, and he never deserves a spanking. 

(S) Caleb and I want to start helping with chores. It is not fair Max does everything. 

(Z) I understand that. We will make it fair. I promise I will make everything better. 

(M) Why do you care now?

(Z) Sam and Caleb go to class. I need to talk to Max alone. 

(S) Hell no. 

(C) I am not leaving. You are going to beat him while we are gone.

(M) It is ok. He is not going to hit me. I will see both of you during lunch. 

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