Everyone is so confused!!!

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Grayson walked in and he was shocked. Max was sitting on the couch waiting for him with Jackson and some other dude. He does not even care. He sits his stuff down on the chair and he picks Max up. Max wraps his arms and legs around him. Grayson supports him and paces the room. He is crying and his placing kisses all over Max. He is so excited his baby is home. He sits on the loveseat and holds Max. He calms down and all four of the boys will talk. Porter(P), Max(M), Jackson(J), and Grayson(G). 

(G) You are my home my sweet baby.

(M) Yeah, we wanted to surprise you. 

(G) I love this surprise. 

(J) He has been waiting to see all of you. 

(G) I have missed you too big man. I am glad you are home. The house felt so weird last night. We had two brothers missing. 

(M) I know. 

(G) Who is this?

(P) My name is Porter, sir. 

(G) You do not have to call me sir. 

(J) Porter is going to make sure Caine is fired. 

Grayson smiles and he sits Max on the loveseat. He gets up and walks over to Porter. He scoops him up and gives him kisses all over his cheeks and forehead. Porter is nervous and he laughs. Grayson sits him back down and moves Jackson over. He sits beside him. 

(G) What do you have in mind?

(J) I will explain it later. Porter came over to spend the night and enjoy time with all of us. 

(G) I have heard your name before. 

(M) He use to help me. He would feed me and help me clean up after stuff. 

(G) You protected our baby when we fucked up.

(P) Yes sir. 

(G) Thank you.

(P) It was no problem. Max is very special to me. I would have failed math without him. He is so smart, kind, and caring. He is one of my best friends at school. 

(J) I promise he is going back to tutoring. It will be a little over a month though. 

(G) Why so long? I though it was two weeks. 

(J) No, and we need to talk. 

(G) What's wrong?

(M) We are going to have delay our trip. The doctor said no traveling for a month.

(G) We can't. I already paid. It is a one-hour drive. We will spend the whole time inside just the two of us. I promise we will take it easy. 

(J) We will have to speak with Amy. 

(G) Ok.

(M) I am ok going. We will be careful. 

(G) Are you sure?

(M) Yes, we will make sure Amy thinks it is ok. We will also ask her for advice. 

(G) That sounds good. 

(J) He is smarter than all of us. He can always think of something. 

(G) The other brothers are on the way home. How about Porter and Max go to his room and spend some time together and talk. Then we can send the other two up. They can all hang out while we cook dinner. 

(J) That sounds like a plan.

(G) Max, are you hurting?

(M) Just a little. I think Tylenol would be ok. 

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