Chapter Twelve

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An owl drops a letter on my lap and flies out the open window. I open it and read 'It's time. Meet us by the Great Hall.' I crumple it up and throw it in the fire. I head to the exit when someone grabs my wrist. I look to see Cedric.

"Where you going?" He asks. "You'll get in trouble."

"Some of my friends might be in trouble," I state. "I have to go."

"I can't let you get hurt."

"You've helped me so much. And I think it is time for me to pass on the kindness you gave me."

He lets go of my arm and kisses me. The moment he pulls away, I run off. I just had my first kiss. And I'm eleven. Most girls don't get their first kiss till later in their lives. And I probably look like a fool for running.

I go and meet the three at our rendezvous spot. Before I could say anything, they pull me to the room we're not allowed to go in. We head in. A harp is playing by itself and a three headed dog is asleep on the floor.

"Snape probably charmed it," Hermione says. I nod my head and notice a paw is on the trapdoor. I scoot it over and open it. The music stops.

"Uh oh," Ron says. The dog wakes up and starts growling. All four of us scream and jump down in the tunnel. I land in a pile of plants and relax. I fall again and land on the concrete floor. I run my bum as Harry and Hermione comes through.

"He's not relaxing, is he?" Hermione asks. Harry shakes his head. Hermione pulls out her wand and a bright light covers the room. Ron falls down, screaming at the top of his lungs. He lands with a thud.

"Come on," I say. "There's the next door."

We run through and there are many statues. I walk past the white ones and start walking towards the black. The first route pulls out swords, blocking my path.

"Ron," I shout. "I think this is your area of experties."

"I think you're right," he replies. He sends us to certain spots to represent the missing white pieces. He directs our moves.knowing the best strategies for this game. After so long, there is only a few pieces left.

"Hermione," Ron shouts. "I'm going to move. Once the queen takes me out, you go straight for the king."

"No Ron," she shouts. "You can die that way."

"It's the only way," he says. The horse he is on moves to where he needs to go. The queen moves next him and stab the horse. The pressure suddenly released sends him flying back. Knocking him out.

"Ron," Hermione shouts, preparing to go to help him.

"No," Harry yells. "We have to finish the game."

She nods her head and moves to the right spot.

"Check mate," she says. The king drops his sword and we go Hermione runs to Ron's side.

"Go and stop him," Hermione orders. Harry and I run through the next door and down a set of stairs. Who we see is what shocks me. Professor Quill. He looks at us. He laughs and swings his arm. It knocks me over and I hit my head on the a step. My vision goes fuzzy and I eventually black out.

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