Chapter 3

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The Doctor and Sally both looked at each other as The Doctor put his finger up to his lip to tell Sally not to make a sound as they started moving backwards to get away from them but Sally stepped though some bullets shells. They both instantly stopped and there eyes nearly popped out of both there head as both Cybermen turn around and they both pulled there weapons but The Doctor quickly pulled out his sonic and used it on their powers pack on their chest cause them both to explode. They both quickly started running down the hallway but as they ran around the corner there were more Cybermen waiting for them. They both quickly stopped and The Doctor said "back, back the other way right now!" As they turned around and started running the Cybermen started firing at them BANG! BANG! BANG! More of the building got destroyed as their shoots missed but more walls exploded.

The Doctor and Sally rushed back downstairs with the Cybermen right behind them and once they got to the bottom The Doctor quickly started move the rubble off Larry as he said "Sally get him out of here now." As she grabbed him and picked him up him up she said "what about The Commissioner and you?" He then reached into his pocket and pulled out The Tardis key and gave it her while he said "I'm sorry but The Commissioner is gone and don't worry about me I'll be right behind you now go, get him to safety." She looked at him for a couple of seconds before she reluctantly left The Doctor with Larry over her shoulders. Once Sally was gone the Cybermen appeared and he quickly put both of his hands up and said "wow give me tow seconds, I just wanna talk to you." Both the Cybermen just looked at him with their light weapons in their hands, The Doctor said back to them "I'm going to take your silence as a good thing." One of the Cybermen said "you cannot stop us, your forces are nothing compared to the might of the Cybermen." The Doctor shrugged his face before saying "yeah maybe they're not but I tell you one thing they will fight you until they have nothing left." One of The Cybermen said back to that "then will not last as we will take them and make them like us." "Yeah there's one big problem with that." The Doctor said back. The Cybermen both just looked at him as he carried on saying "they have me in this fight with them until my last breath." One of the Cybermen said back "you are not match for us, you will not stand in our way of taking, you will be deleted." The Doctor let out a cheeky grin and said "I'm not that easy to delete i'm afraid but, you must have click to what is going on down there's a mass evacuation happen on Earth and by now there our thousands of people in safety so what the plan, take as many as you can before they all go into hiding." One of the Cybermen said back "no, we will find what we are looking for." "How?" The Doctor said back all confused, the other Cybermen said back "we are deleting the saviours of humanity." The Doctor said back to that "that's very cryptic, it doesn't help me very much I have to say so why don't you just tell me what that means." the Cybermen just looked at him before they started quickly charging up there weapons as they both just said to him "delete!"

The Doctor then quickly jumped out of the way of the shoot causing it to hit and destroy another wall before he quickly jumped back up to his feet and started running back to The Tardis with the Cybermen right behind him. As The Doctor went bursting into The Tardis the Cybermen fired off more shots cause him to jump through the door and as he landed he shouted to Sally "SHUT THE DOOR NOW!" She then came running down the Tardis console and quickly slammed the door shut Larry then came running over and said as he helped The Doctor up "are you alright?" The Doctor said back "getting shoot at by Cybermen just an average day at the office but I'm glad to see your alright Larry." After that he rushed up to the console and quickly started pulled leaver and pressing buttons all around the console before he took The Tardis off.

Once they were in flight The Doctor figured out what the Cybermen said to him and he just said "oh I'm so stupid, I really am." Larry said back that "you said it not us but why are you stupid?" "Because it was right in front of my face and i didn't see it." The Doctor said back, Sally said back to him as she walked back up to the console "Doctor what didn't you see?" The Doctor then run both his hands through his hair, spun around and said "what the Cybermen were doing." Sally and Larry both looked at each other before Sally said "I thought we knew what they doing Doctor." Larry quickly said "Doctor you're not making any sense right now." He quickly said back with a smile "I'm make perfect sense I thought they were attacking police station, fire station and army bases to get rid of anyone who stood in there way of taking what they want but I was wrong there doing it to find out where they are taking the people and who is doing it." Larry quickly said back "doesn't that mean that the whole of the Cyber army is heading for Unit?" The Doctor scratched the back of his head and said "yes they are but that's a good thing." Sally said back "how is that a good thing, we can't take on a whole Cyber army, we won't stand a chance." The Doctor walked up to Sally and put both his hands on her shoulders and said "come on Sally, you really think that." What just looked at him when he said that as Larry said "you have a plan?" He just looked at him and said "of course I have I have a plane that's if I can get it to work first of all." Salk said back to him "what's your plan." The Doctor then started walking around the console while saying "void space, the emptiness between universe and I'm going to open it up and suck all the Cybermen in and shut the door behind them but this will be very dangerous." Sally quickly said back to that "isn't everything we do dangerous in some way?" The Doctor said back "yeah but this is a little different ." Larry said back "in what way exactly?" The Doctor tensed his face before saying "once I have this device built someone has to be in the room the switch it on and off." Larry quickly said "and let me guess that's gotta be you?" The Doctor just looked at him and without saying anything else his facial expression said it all, The Doctor was going to put his life on the line to stop the Cybermen and save Earth.

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