Chapter 5

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As Larry went running out of the room he quickly saw The Doctor running not too far ahead of him and he shouted "DOCTOR! STOP!" Once he heard Larry's voice he quickly stopped and turned around and said "Larry what the hell are you doing?" As he said that some Cybermen fire their weapons BANG! BANG! "DOCTOR!" Larry shouted as he saw the Cybermen fire but he didn't get engaged time to jump out of the way before the shoot hit the wall opposite him and sent him flying in the air. "DOCTOR!" Larry shouted as he started running towards him but the Cybermen were preparing to fire again but before they could Sully came racing around the corner and opened fire on them, sending bullets into there power bank on there chest causing them to explode killing the Cybermen.

"Wow that was way too close for comfort." The Doctor said as Larry came rushing over to him "Doctor are you alright?" He said back to Larry as he got back to his feet "Larry what the hell are you doing?" "I could ask you the same thing, you just went rushing off." Larry said back as Sully came over to them both and said "we need to move right now there's more coming?" The Doctor looked at Sully and said "I'm sorry Sully I can't do that I need to get to the operation room." Sully said back to him "no chance Doctor the Cybermen have pushed us way back and they have control of half the base now." The Doctor said "I know but I still need to get in there before they find where all the bunkers are and if they do it's games over the human race will become Cybermen." Sully said back to that "we can't Doctor it's way too dangerous, there are Cybermen everywhere." The Doctor said back "I know but I have to do this." Larry then said "no Doctor we have to do this." He just looked at him before he said back "yeah we need to do this right now." Sully nodded his head and said "alright fine, I can get us there but you both need to do exactly as I say." Larry said back to that "no problem from me." The Doctor just said "yeah I'm not too good with following orders." Sully just said "yeah I thought you might say that, come on." Larry just looked at The Doctor and shook his head while smiling as they both started following Sully.

Somewhere In Space, The Shadow Proclamation
The Shadow Proclamation had there Judoon armies on route to Earth but back at The Shadow Proclamation, The Shadow Guardians were monitoring their progress as well as The Shadow Architect when she came rushing back into the monitoring room "Guardians any updates on Earth?" One of The Shadow Guardians said back "not good mam, the Cybermen have invaded Earth and are taking the people, I don't know if our forces will get there in time." The Guardian then looked at The Architect and said "this could be the end of Earth." The Architect looked at The Guardian and said "Earth will have more of a chance than other planets if there Doctor is there but encase he didn't make back from the other side tell our the Judoon to take it up a gear the people of Earth need us, we can't lose another planet to the Cybermen." The Shadow Guardian said back "yes mam." After that she then started pressing a load of buttons on her monitor to get into contact with all Judoon ship heading for Earth and when she did, she said "this is an message from The Shadow Architect herself, Earth is in dire need of our assistance against the Cybermen, this is a code red situation now, all units need to up the pace to get to Earth before it's too late, this is a priority before the human race goes extinct." The Judoon Captain Rok Ma quickly responded saying "po blo so to tro bah naw flo mo sho bo." The Guardian looked back at The Architect and said "they are going into hyper drive as we speak mam, they should reach Earth with in the hour now." The Architect nodded her head and said "hopefully that won't be too late."

Tower Of London, Unit Headquarters, London
The Doctor, Larry and Sully had arrive at the main operations room and it was crawling with Cybermen like Sully said. They all hide in one of the office rooms to watch what the Cybermen were doing and Larry said "what are they doing?" The Doctor quickly said back "they know that Unit help Earths evacuation and now they're scanning your data base to find the bunkers." Sully said back "how do we stop them?" "I need to scramble your data base but I need to get close to do that I mean like really close." The Doctor said, Larry said back "would you like to tell how exactly we're going to do that without getting killed on sight." The Doctor said back to him "my pure charm is how I'm going to do it and I need you two to get back to the other and get Osgood to finish putting together The Void Generator." Larry gave him and very blank looked before saying "is that really the best name you could think off?" The Doctor said back with disappointment "yeah I was worried you might say that it's not my best work." "Yeah clearly." Larry quickly said back "hay I was in a rush." The Doctor said back in his defence before Sully said "guys I hate to break this is but we really don't have time for this." The Doctor said back "yes, sorry. You two get back to the other and finish..." and before he could finish what he was saying Larry jumped in and said "please don't say it again." The Doctor just looked at Larry as he said "The Void Generator." Sully said back "good luck Doctor." Larry quickly said to him as Sully snuck past him "come back alive." "Always." The Doctor said back with a smile after that Larry quickly followed Sully and once they were both gone The Doctor peaked up to have a look at all the Cybermen before ducking down again and saying to himself "that's a lot of Cybermen but it's alright I've faced worse." He then took another peak before saying to himself again "yeah maybe I have bitten off more that I can chew here anyway Doctor time to save the world." After he said that himself he got to his feet and went to face the Cybermen.

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