Chapter 6

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"Have you lot found what you're looking for." The Doctor said as he walked out all the Cybermen quickly turned to face him and one of the Cybermen said back "you keep appearing, our data base has single you as a possible threat to the Cyberman." The Doctor shrugged his face and said "I'm offended, I'm definitely a threat to the Cyberman." Another Cyberman said to him "who are you?" "I am The Doctor, I'm the person that stop the Cybermen so you might wanna add that into your data base." The Doctor said back before he carried on saying "you didn't answer my question have you found what you're looking for yet?" A Cyberman said back to him "we have located the human bunkers all over the world and they are now ours." The Doctor chuckled and said "no they're not because I'm going to stop you before you have a chance to touch them." All the Cybermen said back "you can't not stop us Doctor we are the Cybermen and we are inevitable." The Doctor just looked at them all as he pulled his sonic out of his blazer pocket and used it on the computer in the room before he said "well there we go that should slow your progress of find the rest of the bunkers." "What have you done?" One of The Cybermen said while another Cybermen ran a quick diagnostic check on the Unit system before it said "he has scrambled there data." The Doctor just smiled at them and said "guilty, that is what I have done and do you want me to tell you why I've done that." A Cyberman quickly said back "to save the humans." "Yes that partly why I've done it but also to give me a bit of time to build my device so I can stop you guys." The Doctor said back with massive grin of his face "you will not be able to stop us Doctor we will delete anyone who gets in our way." A Cyberman said back to him and The Doctor opened both his arms up and said "come on then, delete away."

He just stood with his arms open for a good couple of minutes before he put them down and said "ahhhh you wanna know, don't you, you wanna know my plan to stop you all." The Doctor then just walked right up to one of the Cybermen as it said "you cannot stop us." The Doctor smiled and said as he started walked around the room making his way though the Cyberarmy "oh shut up, if you wanna know otherwise I would be dead by now, if I didn't know any better I would say that your all scared." A Cyberman quickly said back "Cybermen do not get scared, we are free from emotion." The Doctor said back to that very sarcastic "yes, of course you are." Before he carried on saying "okay then if you're not scared then why don't you just kill and then everyone on this planet will be yours." The Cybermen didn't say anything back to him. The Doctor just said back "no nothing, well I tell you why don't I leave you all here to ponder on that." And as he said that he quickly used his sonic again to explode all the light in the room so that it would disorientate all the Cybermen as he ran out.

As The Doctor went running back into the storage room and went straight over to Osgood who was finishing up The Doctor device and he said "Osgood how are we getting in?" She just looked at him and said "I think it's ready to go Doctor but don't hold me to that as this is the first one of these I've ever had a part in building." The Doctor smiled at her and said "it will work, have faith in yourself Osgood, I always have." Osgood just smiled at him as Sally said "Doctor what's going on?" The Doctor quickly turned around and said "they're coming, it's time to end this." Larry then said "is your device ready?" The Doctor looked at him and said "I'm sorry Larry but I don't what you're going on about." "You want me to say the name done you?" Larry said back and before The Doctor could say anything back Sally said in surprise "you gave it a name, I don't know why that so surprising to be honest." Larry sighed and then said "fine is The Void Generator ready?" Everyone faces looked completely shocked when Larry said that and Sally just said "that's awful, you couldn't think of anything better?" The Doctor said back "I mean it's not my best work but it's still pretty good name I think." Sally quickly said "I think you're the only one that thinks that." And as they were saying that Kate walked over to the door and took a peak though the window and saw the army of Cybermen marching towards them, she then turned around and said "I hate to break this little party up but there here." The Doctor instantly pulled his sonic out and said "right here we go, do you guys wanna know the best thing about scrambling your data was?" Kate said back with confusion "ermmmm Doctor do we ready have time for this?" "Yes of course we do so, do you wanna know." The Doctor said back and Sally said back in a panic "yeah sure if you're quick as I don't wanna die." The Doctor then started walking around the room saying "the best thing about it is that now my sonic has all the location of the unit bunkers." Larry said back to him all confused "I'm sorry Doctor I'm really confused with how this helps us right now." The Doctor smiled and said "it's means I can do this." He then used his sonic and everyone got teleported out of The Tower Of London and once they were all gone his smiled quickly left his face as he put his sonic inside his blazer pocket before he said to himself "that also means I can get you all to safety."

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