Chapter 3

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The events of the previous night were still fresh in my memories. And I surprisingly had no regret or whatsoever. I was scared but it was worth it.

I seemed to like him but didn't have the courage to agree to that and tell that to my parents. Even if I had the courage, I couldn't. Not without asking Heeseung his opinion atleast..

'Should I ask him about us today?' I wondered while laying wide awake in my bed.

It was during the early hours of the day when the sun had just appeared in the horizon that I decided to step out of my bed. I had barely slept during the night as the thoughts of a certain someone kept me up.

After all the thoughts and possibilities that could enter my head, I came to a conclusion that I fancied the prince.

And then my head pestered my heart by thinking about the possibilities of him never liking me but just playing with me.

After being done with my inner ramblings, I decided to get ready for the day and make my way to the studio room beside the library where I usually paint.

After being done with my inner ramblings, I decided to get ready for the day and make my way to the studio room beside the library where I usually paint

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(The outfit cuz it's pretty)

The king and the queen didn't know about me liking the silent area of the castles. The queen wouldn't like it if she got to know about me painting. I don't know why, but she had a dislike towards the hobby.

I entered the room, setting up the canvas, brushes and paints, not certain of what to paint.

I picked up the black and blue paints to make a very dark blue colour. I splashed the mix on the canvas and evened it, adding other hues into the background which was to resemble the night sky.

After an hour or two or three, I was done making the rooftop of the castle as well with faint light grey dots below, resembling the lights of the ball held yesterday.

I had decided to skip breakfast and spend my time here.

I picked up my black paint to draw the two figures on the rooftop, one looking at the meteors falling, shining brighter than the lights below them while the other looked at the one standing beside them.

It was a painting of me and Heeseung... Him admiring the beauty of the sky and me admiring his beauty, his presence, him.

I was about to give it some touch ups when my maid, Jiyoo hurriedly entered the room.

"The queen... She... wa... wants to mee.... meet you." The spoke while taking breaths in between.

I quickly got up, heading towards my room while the other maids cleaning up the studio. I had no time to waste seeing the hurry in with Jiyoo came.

I entered my room to see my mother sitting on my bed while looking around the room.

"Mother, you wished to see me" I asked after I closed the doors to room and made my way towards her.

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