Chapter 7

183 13 53

Ha-eun POV

The day had arrived... Today me and Sunghoon were to get married.... and there was nothing we could do about it.

The whole empire was rejoicing. They thought the two had fallen in love. Children looked at us in awe, the women envied the princess while the men envied the soon to be prince, and elders talked about young love.

Oh, how wrong they were...

Only if they knew that this wasn't a marriage but business. Sending away your daughter, expanding the empire and focusing on the soon to be king, Choi Yeonjun.

My brother wouldn't be attending it since the whole thing had been rushed, which doesn't make much of a difference though.

The event was to be held at the church in the evening, in the presence of each other's parents, the guests that had come here and the ministers and nobles.

Common people would be greeted later and would not be let inside the church.

Since the encounter with him at the rooftop, I hadn't seen him. Sunghoon said his parents were being strict on him as well, not wanting to ruin their reputation.

It was early evening, maybe around 5:53 pm and the maids were getting me ready for the big day while my mom sat on my bed, her piercing gaze always on me.

None of this was my choice. Not the wedding, the groom, the venue, the flowers, the gown, nothing. And the thought brought tears to my eyes but I suck them back in, not wanting to ruin the efforts of the maid who had put on my makeup.

An extravagant, white wedding gown was designed for me. It was pretty but the neck was a bit lower than I'd like, and so was the back. I managed to convince my mother to let me reduce the volume of my gown. thank god.

A dangling set of earings were hanging from my ears and a diamond chain around my neck. It was a family heirloom that Sunghoon's mother had recieved when she was married into the Park family. She had gifted the set to me when our marriage was fixed.

"Tighter!" my mother commanded Jiyoo, who was tightening my beige corset. The maid having no choice, obliged. I tried not to let it show how I could barely breath. It was if she wanted me to die by the lack of air.

The maids stepped away from me as I was done getting ready.

"Doesn't she look like a charming woman?" my mother complimented but I knew she didn't mean it.

I was indeed looking beautiful, but all that was missing was a genuine smile...

The wedding was in 2 hours but we had to be there in 1. I closed my eyes, wanting to run away.

I was left alone in my room to gather my thoughts and prepare myself for my new life.

Can I jump off and die? Nah, that'd be too much... What if I faint? Or break my arm?! They'll have to postpone the wedding.....right?

I can't even run away... It would stain Sunghoon's name, his reputation and the respect the people had for him. I could certainly never do that. Not when he's not at fault.

There was a soft knock at the door. "Come in" I allowed, looking at the mirror, seeing if there's any adjustments to be made with how I looked.

"You look beautiful"

My neck snapped towards his direction. He wasn't supposed to see me in the wedding dress until I walk down the aisle but I couldn't care less.

"So do you" I smiled.

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