Chapter 6

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Ha-eun POV

The afternoons had become mornings since past two days. Time flew away. No sense of time remained in me. Days seemed never-ending, nights weren't bearable.

The marriage was getting closer. And yet, no sight of him. I was beginning to worry but then I saw him with his family, faking a smile yesterday, at dinner. 

Seeing him smile hurt. Not because he was happy... He wasn't happy. It hurt because he was faking it. 

Smiling hurt

All of this was forced. And I wanted to believe none of this was real.

The Park's had succeeded in forcing Sunghoon into the marriage as well.

What had life become? I was being forced into a marriage with my best friend while the love of my life could do nothing but watch us from afar.

Me and Sunghoon hadn't talked after the decision had been made and today was going to be no different until the 'Queen' decided to let the new couple spend some time together.

It was already afternoon but I had no energy or desire to get up from the bed. No desire to breathe. No desire to live.

It was only in the evening that I was forced to wake up, take a bath and wear one of my gorgeous gowns to meet Sunghoon who was waiting for me in the library.

Heeseung POV

Days had passed by and yet I couldn't manage to be with her even for a few moments. Her door was being guarded and so she couldn't come to the rooftop. 

She seemed to never step out of her room. I would step out of the balcony in my room every night, thinking atleast we could share the same sky, look at the same stars. It was sad, but I had to hold onto any hope I could find.

I was well informed about the marriage that was to come and I could do nothing but hope. Wish that all this was a nightmare or maybe even a prank. Wish to run away with her. Wish...

Wish to be her's forever.

Hyung had returned back to our empire yesterday and my parents only let me stay cause he convinced them to... 

They were against us too... And all I could do is accept the cruel fate.

It was late afternoon when I was walking in the corridors of the palace. I bumped into an unfamiliar face on one of the turns. He bowed down, apologising but stopped in the middle.

"You are Lee Heeseung" he informed more than asked.

"I'm Park Sunghoon" he introduced with a smile, holding out a hand which I accepted. I wasn't going to blame this young man for the misfortune in our lives.

"Pleasant to meet you, Mr. Park" I tried being formal.

"Young prince, would you mind talking with me for a while" he copied my formality as I agreed to the request.

He took me to a room filled with paintings. Paintings of the Autumnvale hill, a purple butterfly, flowers, the night sky, lovers embracing each other, two children, two teenagers and many others.

"You made all these?" I asked, trying to permanently fix each of the paintings in my head. He chuckled and nodded his head as in 'no'.

"Ha-eun, she made them. Though, some of these ideas were mine." He informed while staring into them as if he were remembering those moments.

•𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋• ||A Lee Heeseung AU||Where stories live. Discover now