Chapter 1

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Black clouds formed around her, turning everything into darkness. Her surrounding was now filled with smoke and fog.

She walked further into the room, only to tear out a long gasp as she looked ahead. It was her father

...hanging in air with a rope, dead.

His entire body suffered pale, screaming that it bore a painful death. Her tears painted the walls with a harrowing depression as she asked herself why he did that to himself.

Soon, sounds of footsteps against the wooden floor were heard; Slow, Dangerous, Dark.

She knew it was him without turning around. He was like a devil hovering over her, dark clouds trying to catch her.

"You will never escape me." He said in his so fimiliar, yet distant voice.

Leanna woke up from the dream in a haste, rain of sweat shimmering all over her body. She looked around her surroundings, and lets out a sigh of relief when she saw the ceiling of her room.

Three years have passed, yet his face is still so vivid in her mind. His memories still haunting her during the nights.

Three years since she lost her pack, family, and friends. All because of him. He ruined her, destroyed her and broke her into pieces.

She remembers the past three years of her life. How she has been forced to live in an Homolone.

Homolone was a place of shelter for lone werewolves like her. Alone and homeless. The werewolves that take shelter here work, and in return the homolones provides them with food, shelter and clothes.

But how can this ever be her home? Why does she has to live like this when she was born in a pack. Her pack. She had a family, she had friends. But look at her now? She is lonely, living in a Homolone. Why did he do this to her.

Leanna was snapped out of her thoughts when the ugly shriek of her room's door opening ripped through the empty air.

It was the Chatelaine of the house, coming into her room without even knocking. As usual.

She was not an easy lady. She was a wicked, cunning and selfish woman. Everybody referred to her as 'Chatelaine' which was just another word for mistress.

"Girl! Get up, you are coming with me." The Chatelaine said, as she roughly grabbed Leanna from her arm and pushed her around like a rag doll.

"What are you doing? Where are you taking me, Chatelaine?" Leanna asked, trying her best to resist the woman's iron grip.

The Chatelaine forcefully took Leanna with her. When Leanna came outside, she was met with a man who seemed to be in his late fourties.

She swallows back the foreboding brewing in her mouth, her heart filled with nervous ruination.

There was something eerie about the man; He was dressed nicely, with clean ties and expensive shoes. His movement was perfectly put together, calculative and schemed.

A smirk spread across his old face as he witnessed the beauty before him. Leanna- just the defination of enchantress.

Rosy skin, soft wavy hair, and graceful figure. Everthing about her was flawless. Her eyes were shaving of innocent brown, giving her face the ideal touch of perfection.

When she is dolled up, her beauty will escalate to the sky, so high that she will be in equal to the Aphrodite.

Every man will fall over her, get trapped in the reflection of her resistance and want her ever the more.

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