Chapter 7

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After what felt like an enternity to Ace, Leanna finally came outside. She had all of her belongings packed, which were deposited to his car by the servants.

His hard gaze didn't left hers, stiff emotions skirting his features into dense lines of frown. The approach that Leanna gave him was one of pure hatered, and he hated the feeling with life.

Ace inched closer to Leanna, his steps devouring the ground beneath. Leanna rationally took a step back, her throat tightening because of the thickness of tension around them.

Frustrated by her reaction, Ace forced his hand on her. He grabbed her wrist, his grip sinking into her skin, as they vigorously moved towards his car.

"What is your problem?" Leanna scremed, her voice spiking with sudden indescribable panic. Her heart pounded in her chest, stringing together for a wisp of tumult.

Ace suddenly released her arm, a hot burn blazing him on fire. Something dark ignited on his bones, and devoured his earlier composure into specks of the ashes of his sanity.

"You will not be the one asking questions." Ace's tone was cold enough to freeze the hottest part of the earth, frosting everything into it's chaos.

Shiver ran down Leanna's spine as she glimpsed into the terror of his eyes which was pitch black, lacking any sort of mercy, or kindness.

He was like the depth of hell, promising to absorb every inch of her into the enternity of his misery.

"I have every right to ask you. Why are you taking me with you? We ended things three years ago. You have no right to do this." Leanna said, her patience wobbling over the anger that Ace had ignited inside of her.

"Why did you come back to my pack two months ago." Ace's voice was sinister, like the roil of tides in an uproar. "You started this, but I will be the one to end it."

"I didn't go there on purpose! After what you did, I would never want to meet you again." Bitterness rose high in the edges of Leanna's words, damping Ace in the indignation of her aggravation.

His skin stretched tautly over the hardness of his muscles, tensing up at the mention of their past. Anger flooded him like icy water, his teeths gritting like the surface of irregular rocks.

"Learn how to admit your mistake." Ace's growl vibrated against Leanna's skin, leaving invincible marks of throb down her dermis.

"You are still blaming me right? Yes like I am the bad person here, and you are just innocent." Sarcasm, along with a faint shadow of hurt obstructed her eyes. She tried to see any hint of remorse in his eyes, but all she got was temper.

"Just shut up, and don't talk to me again." Ace grumbled, cursing under his breath, as he turned his back to Leanna. He walked towards his car, which was right in sight now.

"Go on, shut me up. You are the Alpha, so you think you can do anything." Leanna shouted at Ace, not really expecting to provoke much reaction out of him. She just wanted to rip out her own thoughts at him. "You just don't want to face the truth."

A hitched gasp of surprise crushed into her when Ace pushed her agaisnt the steel of his car, his hands curling the window of her throat.

"You want to see another side of the truth?" Deadly shock rushed to fill the blood in Leanna's veins, her heart pumping hard.

Ace inched closer to Leanna, the bridge of his nose skimming agaisnt the side of her left cheek. "While you were busy enjoying your time with Blazing Sun Pack..." He uttered the name out of pure distaste.

"I have been suffering every single day since the past three years." His lips were so close to hers, she could clearly inhale his addicting scent.

"What is your relationship with Ashton Hart?" Ace asked, his touch suddenly becoming harsher as his hands wrap around her back, making sure she doesn't get away.

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