Shot (Larry) (Part 2)

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A/N: Before we start, I want to give a huge shoutout to MeiDay119,  ilangel1,  hurtlife,  and R19123 because they are amazayn<3 tysm!!

Harry woke up, his whole body aching like he was run over by a truck. He slowly opened his eyes and was met with the adorable scene of Louis snoring softly on a chair beside him.

He chuckled softly, then instantly regretted it as his stomach sent waves of pain throughout his body. Damn it hurt.

Harry fumbled with the white hospital sheets, trying to get it off but failing miserably. Although he had some morphine, the area where he got shot still hurt and was awfully stiff, making it hard for him to move around.

He plopped his head down on the pillow with frustration – maybe a bit too harshly. Louis's snoring abruptly came to a halt, and his eyes opened instantly, searching for Harry. His beautiful blue eyes, filled with tiredness at first, soon turned into glee.

"Harry! You're awake!" He said, leaning down to kiss Harry on the head.

"Hey Lou. Missed you." Harry replied, smiling, his voice still a bit raspy after not using it for so long.

"I told you I'd be here when you wake up, love." Louis said, grinning.

Harry couldn't help but smile too, as he stared at the face of his beautiful Louis. "Keeping your promises well, I see."

Just then, another voice rang across from the back of the room, where the other boys were sleeping on the sofa.

"Haz? Are you awake?" It was Liam, his voice still coated with sleep but with a hint of hopefulness in it.

"Payno, he's awake, come over here, mate!" Louis replied for Harry.

After Liam woke everyone else, too, the other boys all came closer to Harry's bed, surrounding him.

"You okay now, Haz? Gave us quite a scare there – especially poor Louis!" Niall said. "He has the bruise on his hand to prove it!"

Louis carefully inspected the bruise on his fist. Actually, he hadn't noticed; he was too caught up on Harry. But it looked like whatever he hit when he was freaking out left quite a mark.

Harry felt bad for Louis, he didn't mean to worry him so much.

"Lou, are you okay? I'm sorry, love...I didn't mean to worry you..." He said.

Louis shook his head and ruffled Harry's curly hair. "Hey, it's fine, baby. I'm okay. And it's not your fault. What matters most is your health now, love."

"Yeah, Haz. Lou's right. How're you feeling?" Niall asked.

"Well, my stomach hurts a bit, especially when I move. And sometimes I'm a bit light-headed." Harry said. "But really, I feel fine." He added quickly, after seeing the worried faces of the boys.

Just then, the door opened and a doctor entered the room.

"Hello, Mr. Styles. I see that you're awake?" He said.

Harry nodded his head and searched for Louis's hand; he always felt a bit nervous around doctors, so Louis always comforted him.

"That's very good. You woke up earlier than we expected." The doctor said. He then looked at his chart and continued. "Any unusual pains or symptoms?"

"No... I mean, my stomach hurts, and I've got a slight headache, but that's pretty normal, right?" Harry said nervously.

"Yep. I think you're healing pretty nicely. A nurse will come to change your bandages in about an hour. Just make sure to not move around too much, Mr. Styles, you don't want to pull out your stitches."

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