Fever (request) *extended*

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Request: Hello, no rush but could you write a sickfic about Harry with a fever and he's really sleepy and out of it?

This was requested by SmileyKoala21 <33
Thank you sooo much for voting and commenting on my story!
Hope you enjoy this!💖

Louis woke up from his sleep because of a peculiar heat radiating under the covers.

He groaned and turned away from the heat, kicking off the covers, wondering why it was so hot. Maybe he had accidentally turned the heater on?

He rolled back again, and reached forward, fumbling for Harry who was lying next to him. He should probably wake him up, since it was so hot. He could be suffocating. Plus he was still wrapped with blankets.

Louis was surprised when he felt hot, sticky skin underneath his palms. Harry's skin was radiating with heat.

He gasped and leaned forward to lay his hands on top of Harry's forhead, checking for a temperature. Sure enough, his forhead was burning, and he seemed to be sweating.

Defintely a fever.

Louis groaned in sympathy and got out of bed to turn the lights on. He could check Harry's condition better that way.

The young boy was wrapped in thick blankets and sweating, yet also shivering at the same time. His face was pale and although he was sleeping, he was frowning, as if in pain.

Louis sighed. He should probably wake Harry up, to try and take his temperature. And he needed to be cooled down.

He felt pretty hopeless, though, he knew he needed help because he just couldn't manage Harry on his own. So when he went downstairs to get a thermometer and some fever reducers, he peeked into Liam's room.

"Pssst. Liam. Wake up!" He whisper-shouted into Liam's ear.

Because Liam was a light sleeper, he woke up after a few tries, though that didn't mean he was happy about it.

"Louis?" He asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes. "It's the middle of the night! Why'd you wake me up?"

"Sorry, sorry, but Hazza's sick. I think he has a pretty high fever. I need your help, Li." Louis explained.

At Louis's words, Liam's expression changed from annoyed to worried.

"Harry's sick? Yeah, 'course I'll help." He said, getting out of his bed. "What do I need to do?"

"Just... be with Harry, I guess. Comfort him? I actually have no fookin' idea how he's gonna be like." Louis said. He walked out of Liam's room and headed towards their room, where Harry was sleeping.

"Ah, poor lad. What caused him to be so sick today?" Liam asked, following Louis.

"Got no idea." Louis replied breifly, entering their room. He was worried about Harry, and he also felt a bit bad for leaving him alone.

Liam stared sympathetically at Harry, who was still trembling and sweating in his sleep.

"Aww, didn't know he was this bad... He must be feeling absolutely dreadful." Liam muttered.

Louis sighed. "Yep, and he have to wake him up right now. Do the honors, will ya?"

"Sure." Liam gently shook Harry, and called his name. After multiple tries, he seemed to be coming around a bit.

"Hazza? Can you hear me?" Louis softly asked from beside Liam.

All Harry let out was a groan, not opening his eyes.

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