Broken Ankle (Part 2)

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A/N: A part two for the very first chapter of this fic! Thank you SmileyKoala21 for encouraging me to write this<33 I mean literally she's so sweet and supportive💖

"Hazza? How are you feeling? Do you want me to get something for you?" Liam asked Harry, who was lying down on the sofa, for the hundreth time that day. 

Harry sighed and looked at Liam, raising his eyesbrows. "Look, Li, I know you're worried 'bout me, but you asked the same question five minutes ago. And what did I say..?" He prompted. 

"You said you were fine." Liam answered. "But, a lot can change in five minutes." He said indignantly. 

"Well, no. I'm still fine, and I will be fine five minutes later." 

"But, Harry, what if-"

"Liam, I really appreciate your concern, but I'm starting to get tired, mate. I already forgave you, ya know." Harry said, rolling his eyes. "If you really  want to help me, then how about just chilling, you look like you're gonna explode with worry." 

"Okay... Wanna watch a movie then?" Liam asked. 

"Sure. Let's call the other guys, too, they're probably upstairs." Harry said and tried to get up, grabbing for his crutches, but Liam stopped him. 

"No, stay here, y'need to rest your ankle! I'll bring them." He said, gently pushing Harry into a sitting position. "And I'll get some popcorn, too." 

"You don't need to-" Harry said.

"Please. I wanna help. It was my fault you got hurt, anyways." 

"Hey, Liam. It wasn't your fault. I was the one who fell. I probably would have fallen even if you didn't hurry me. You know how I am." Harry laughed. 

"Okay. But I'm still gonna get the popcorn." Liam said, and turned to go upstairs and call the other boys. 

Harry smiled fondly at him and wiggled to get into a comfortable position. He absent-mindedly flicked through some of the channels while waiting for Liam to get the boys. 

A few minutes later, the sound of Louis and Liam's bickering caught Harry's attention, and he saw the two of them coming, well, more like fighting, along with Zayn and Niall who had amused expressions, watching the two fight. 

Liam was carrying a bowl full of popcorn and twisting his body in a weird way trying to avoid Louis, who was trying to steal his phone. 

"Oi, piss off!" Liam shouted, almost falling over when Louis leaned forward with a grin. 

"Hey, hey, hey, oi!" Liam shouted and ran away from Louis, who was chasing him. Liam somehow managed to balance the bowl of popcorn with his hands. 

Harry, sensing trouble, sighed at the two of them, who were apparently older then him, and got up to stop the fight from getting too serious. The only reason he was doing this was because it got serious most of the time, usually leading to wrestling on the floor and a black eye or two. Once, Louis even broke Liam's wrist and he had to be in cast for multiple weeks. 

Seriously, was he the only responsible one here?

Not even bothering to grab his crutches, he limped towards the running boys who were about to break the bowl the popcorn was in. And perhaps some bones. 

Louis laughed and lunged forward, oblivious of Harry walking towards them, jumping to bring Liam down. His hands caught the edge of Liam's top, and they fell backwards, the popcorn slipping from his hands and falling to the floor. 

Liam shouted in surprise and stumbled before crashing to the ground, but not before bumping into another person - someone that wasn't Louis. 

An alarmed grunt of pain came out of Harry's mouth as Liam and Louis fell towards him, successfully making him fall along with them. His ankle burned from the surprise of the impact. And it didn't help that his injured leg was trapped under Liam's body. 

Louis bursted into a fit of laughs, still unaware that Harry was also part of their little dominos. But Liam was very much aware, based on the hard plaster-y thingy that was poking his back, and he got up horrified when he realized that was Harry's leg. 

"Harry!" He shouted, effectively stopping Louis's laughters. "Are you okay? Wha- Why- You're supposed to be there- Oh no, I hurt you again! I'm a terrible friend-" He babbled, scared because one, Harry was grimacing in pain, and two, he probably hated him now, he was such a shitty friend...

"Liam. Liam. Hey. It's- it's okay. I think." Harry replied, wincing as he tried to wiggle his bad ankle. "I mean, yeah, I think I'll be fine, and- this isn't your fault. And you're not a terrible friend." 

"Yeah, this wasn't your fault, Liam, it's mine!" Louis stammered, his face contorted in worry. "Oh no, Harry, It's all my fault, I'm so sorry-" Now it was Louis's time to babble. 

"Hey, no. This isn't anyone's fault. And I don't care if it's anyone's fault, and now I'm tired, and I can't move, so can somebody help me up, please?" Harry said, exasperated. He exhaled when both Liam and Louis rushed to help him up. 

"You sure you're okay? I'm so sorry..." Liam said as Harry got up with their help. He winced when he started limping over to the couch, and Liam quickly helped to support his weight. 

"Yeah, um... I think it'll be fine, just feels a bit weird. Don't worry 'bout it." Harry replied but he still leaned on Liam. 

Liam let Harry lean on him to the couch, and he plopped down with a sigh. 

"Are you alright?" Niall and Zayn, who were watching the whole incident with a shocked expression, asked worriedly. 

"Yeah, I will be." Harry replied shortly, flushing a bit because of all the attention he was getting. 

"Hazza, let me get you some pain meds, that's the least I can do..." Louis said, and Harry couldn't help but accept, nodding his head gratefully. 

"Anything else you want, Harry?" Liam asked, also feeling sorry for the younger boy. 

"Well... actually..." Harry said mischeviously. "I would appreciate some cuddles..." He shot Liam his adorable-puppy-eyes look and opened his arms. 

Liam smiled fondly and leaned to cuddle Harry, soon joined by Louis and eventually the other boys. 

The five boys stayed like that for the rest of the day, the mess of popcorn on the floor and the movie completely forgotten. 

A/N: just a short, fluffy chapter :) Hope you all enjoyed it<33

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