Lost his voice (Part 2)

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A/N: As I promised, a part two! Enjoy!

When Harry woke up, he was immediately met with the loud snores of Niall coming from right above him, his cheeks pressed against his own flushed ones. They were cuddling, although Harry didn't really remember Niall spooning him from above. 

Probably when Harry fell alseep right after drinking the tea Niall made for him. That did make him really sleepy, by the way. 

Harry smiled fondly at the sleeping Niall above him, finding his peaceful face adorable. He looked like a baby when he slept. 

He stretched a bit, just a little bit so that he could get his muscles to moving properly again but not so much that Niall would wake up. He frowned at the sudden tickle in his throat that was bothering him. Maybe that was what woke him up?

He wanted to relieve some of the tension and tickles in his throat, but he also didn't want to wake Niall up. And coughing seemed like a bad idea, based on the soreness of his throat that still remained even after drinking the tea Niall fixed for him. 

He swallowed repetitively, ignoring the burning sensation it made while slipping down his throat and just trying to stop himself from coughing out loud. But he knew it was a losing battle. 

Harry's eyes started to water, and the tension in his throat kept building, despite all his efforts. Finally, a rough cough escaped from his slightly parted lips, his chest heaving. He guiltily saw Niall waking up with a start before coughing again, this time leading to a full-on coughing fit. 

Pushing Niall away from him frantically, Harry sat up before doubling over coughing, his lungs protesting from the lack of air. His throat burned evey time he coughed, and he felt lightheaded. 

Harry felt Niall's hands rubbing his back in reassuring circles, and soon his coughs died down, leaving him gasping for breath. A cup was water was offered in front of him, and he gratefully sipped the cold water that helped soothe his throat. 

"You okay, Hazza?" Niall asked, his hand on Harry's shoulder. 

Harry cleared his throat a couple of times then nodded, thankfully his throat felt much better now. 

"You gave me quite a scare, I thought you were choking or something, mate." Niall said, his face still contorted in worry. 

Harry lowered his head, whispering "sorry" before coughing again. Niall shook his head and ruffled Harry's curls. 

"Hey, there's no reason to be sorry, Haz. You're sick. Just... don't give me a scare like that, please. Tug on my shirt or something if you think you're gonna have a fit like that again, okay?" 

Harry nodded and yawned, despite having slept for the last few hours. His eyelids were drooping and his head was growing fuzzy again, he just really wanted to sleep. And he really wanted more cuddles from Niall. 

Harry opened his arms, signaling for Niall to come and cuddle him, but Niall just shot him an apologetic look. "Not now, Harry. You have to take some meds for your throat and head. And I need to tell the boys and Paul, too. Maybe a bit later?" 

Harry pouted a bit before suddenly turning pale, as if he just realized something important. He tried to yell something urgently, but all he managed was a strangled "No!" before bursting into a fit of rough coughs, doubling over again. 

"What? What's wrong, Harry? Hey, hey, hey, relax, it's okay, it's gonna be okay..." Niall said, trying to comfort Harry but panicking too, why was Harry suddenly so worked up?

"Concert... tonight... fans" Harry whispered between coughs, his eyes filled with guilt. He wasn't going to be able to sing today, and the fans would be disappointed. Disappointed in him

 "Hey, don't try to talk, it hurts your throat." Niall said, gently patting his back. "And, Hazza... The concert is nothing compared to your health. Your health is way more important!" 

Harry shook his head. He picked up the pen and paper from earlier and scribbled something, his lips wobbling as if he was going to burst into tears any minute. 

Fans paid to see me sing. Disappointed in me. Worthless. 

"Harry." Niall said firmly. "What did I tell you earlier? The fans love you, not your singing. Well, they do love your singing, but that's not important right now. They'll understand. I'm sure of it. And you are not worthless, Harry. Never say that again, alright? We all love you."

Harry's eyes filled to the brim with tears finally leaked, leaving him sobbing and clinging onto Niall. Niall, although surprised, patted his back softly, hugging him tight. 

"Thank you." Harry whispered in a barely audiable voice and buried his face into Niall's chest, tears still streaming down his cheeks. 

Niall smiled and smoothed out Harry's curls, giving him a final hug. "Okay, now you're getting all emotional on me. Come on, you're gonna make me cry too!" 

Harry laughed, albeit the tear tracks still visible on his cheeks, and wiped his tears, sniffling. He smiled at Niall and coughed a bit before laying down back on the sofa. He was exhausted after all the crying. 

"I'm gonna get you some meds, Haz, okay? Then you can sleep." Niall said. 

Harry nodded and relaxed down on the sofa, his eyes ridden with sleep. Niall patted his shoulder before turning to get the meds for his throat and fever. 

When he came back, Harry was looking at him tiredly. He was about to fall asleep any minute. 

"Okay, just open your mouth for me, please?" Niall asked gently. Harry opened his mouth, revealing his red and inflamed throat, whimpering a bit when Niall slid the foul liqid into his mouth. The medicine burned his throat as it slid down. 

"Good lad. Now just one more, this one's a pill..." Niall handed Harry the pill, and he swallowed it quickly with water, wincing as he did so. 

Hurts my throat :(

Harry wrote on the paper. It felt like he was swallowing knives or something. 

"I know, Hazza, but now you're done, you can sleep." Niall said comfortingly. "And I can give you cuddles." 

Harry's face brightened at the sound of cuddles and he nodded, opening his arms. Niall sighed fondly and hugged Harry tight, and the two cuddled. They were both asleep just a few minutes after. 


Harry and the rest of the boys finally negotiated on letting Harry do the concert, but not actually singing anything (as if he could when he could barely speak).

Harry spent the majority of the time on stage coughing and sniffling, or just sitting there dazed with his too-bright eyes glazed with fever. He was absoultely spent after the show, and he fell into Niall's arms after it. 

But after a few more days, he was good as new, and back to dancing and singing like his old self. 

A/N: The ending's pretty crappy, but... oh well. Hope y'all enjoyed it :)

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