Sick but can't rest (request)

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A/N: Okayyyy so I'm back... 

From now on updates in this book will get a bit slower (and by bit, I mean a lot) and very inconsistent so just... bear with me, I guess. 

But I promise I'll try my hardest to make it worth the wait, but sometimes I'll get stuck or something like that so I hope you'll all understand. 

Anyways, this is a request by the lovely SmileyKoala21, tysm for requesting (I mean it!!) and I rlly hope you enjoy it!<33

Request: Harry has the flu but management won't let him off work. 

Harry was performing, singing his heart out on a familiar stage, the crowds below cheering at him with flashing lights and delighted screams. 

Niall and Liam were beside him, goofing around, while Zayn and Louis were on the other side of the stage, talking with some fans. 

Harry sang his familiar lines in his green mic, but suddenly a smoke machine caught him in surprise and he started coughing, choking, and the fans were laughing at him, and he couldn't breathe, he couldn't breathe, hecouldn'tbreathe—

Harry woke up with a start, his lungs trying—and failing—to draw a healthy amount of air into them, deep, barking coughs slipping out from his mouth. He curled up on himself, trying to muffle the sound of his coughs, but only managed to get disgusting spit and drool all over himself. 

When Harry managed to get his coughing fit under control, Zayn and Liam, who he shared a room with, were both up, their voices muffled from sleep but still worried about Harry. 

"Hazza? You alright?" Zayn asked groggily from his bed. "Do'ya need som'thing?" 

"N- no..." Harry croaked, wincing at how raw his throat felt. "I'm okay." He let out a few stray coughs before reaching to grab a glass of water on his bedside. 

"S'rry for waking you." Harry rasped after taking a few sips of the water. 

"Hey, no, it's fine, Haz. Wake us up again if you need something, yeah?" Liam said worriedly. "That cough sounds awful, mate. Worse then yesterday." 

Harry just nodded blearily, careful not to jostle his head too much. He cleared his throat and laid down on his bed again, falling asleep as soon as hit head hit the pillow. 


The next day was even worse. When Harry trudged downstairs clutching is throat and coughing painfully, the boys sympathetically looked at him and broke the terrible news that management wasn't letting any of them have the day off. 

Liam and Zayn were especially pissed off, they were the ones who had to call and deal with management, who were heartless dicks that didn't give a fuck about the band members' health. 

Harry would just have to deal with it then... He could deal with the flu for a day without collapsing.... Right?

Flashing the others a look of 'it's okay', Harry silently sat next to Zayn, who squeezed his shoulder worriedly. Harry just shrugged, and just stared disgutingly at the food on his plate. He really didn't feel like eating right now, and truthfully he was starting to feel a bit nauseous too. 

"Harry? Aren't you gonna eat something?" Zayn, who had noticed Harry's reluctance to bring his breakfast to his lips, asked him. 

Harry cleared his throat, a bit afraid of what kind of sound would come out from his mouth. "Uh- no, I'm not- hungry." He finally rasped out, wincing at how his voice cracked right in the middle and diminished into a whisper towards the end. 

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