Hayfever (request)

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A/N: Another request! This one's from hairless_styless ! Thanks for requesting :)

Request: i hope im not bothering you but could you write one where harry's hayfever is acting up really bad and they have to perform outdoors?

Harry blew his nose into a tissue for the hundreth time today, groaning and throwing it away in the bin right next to him filled with a pile of dirty tissues. 

Sniffling through his runny nose, he reached for another tissue, before realizing he'd used up the entire box. Harry raked a hand through his disheveled curly hair and staggered up from his bed, clutching his blanket and throwing it around him like a cape. 

Grabbing the empty tissue box, he groggily walked out of his room, almost walking straight into a wall in his uncoordinated movements. When he reached the living room, his blanket dragging behind him, the other boys were staring at him. 

"Wha' d'ya wa'?" Harry mumbled, glaring at the boys, not in the mood to be stared at by people, even if they were his bandmates. 

He growled when Niall suddenly burst into laughter, earning a few confused looks from the other boys.  

"Sorry, sorry, just—" Niall said hurriedly in between his laughs. "Mate, you're so bloody congested it's funny, phew, had a good laugh right there, lad." Niall smiled at Harry, who growled, leaving Niall mumbling another sorry. 

"It's nod fuddy." Harry said, sneezing into his sleeve and wiping his inflamed nose aggressively. He mentally cursed himself for forgetting his hayfever meds in his house in London, now he had to endure an entire day sniffling and sneezing before one of the crew members got ahold of his meds. 

And it was just his luck that today was possibly the busiest day of the entire week. Two interviews and a photoshoot, plus a concert didn't sound very fun to Harry today. 

"Haz, do you need something, mate? Why'd you come out?" Liam asked, changing the subject. "Or do you wanna just chill with us before the interview at ten?"

"Uhhh-" Harry started, before getting interrupted by another sneeze. He muffled it into his arm as Zayn mumbled a 'bless you', perhaps for the twentieth time today. "Ran out of- tissues..."He said, holding up his empty tissue box. 

"Oh, I can get that for you, Haz." Liam said, rushing up to the kitchen for another tissue box. Harry waited, sniffling and coughing, while Liam searched through a cabinet, holding up a full tissue box triumphently after a few seconds. 

"Here you go." He said, handing Harry the tissues. Harry thanked him gratefully and shuffled back to his room, before being stopped by Louis's voice. 

"Harry, don't just sulk in your room all day, will ya? Come out to the living room, get some fresh air." Louis called, gesturing to him. 

Harry groggily turned around, and shrugged. There wasn't really a reason not to, and besides, he secretly ached for some human contact after a miserable morning. 

"Fide." He muttered, dragging his blanket with him, and settled right next to Louis, letting out a comfortable sigh after lying down, his head on Louis's lap. 

Louis played with his hair like always as Harry closed his eyes, trying desperately to sleep after almost staying up all night yesterday. And it seemed to work, Louis's hands in his hair comforting, until—

A sudden tickle in his throat woke Harry in his semi-asleep state and he gasped painfully as it erupted into a cough, hurting the back of his throat. It led to another one, then another, and soon Harry was in a full-blown coughing attack. 

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