Lost his voice (Part 1)

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A/N: This is basically Narry except it's platonic, not romantic. The only reason to that is because I think of Narry as a platonic ship, and it can be quite awkward writing a romantic Narry ship while I'm a Larrie. But it's nothing really, I've written Narry before, so np :)

And also this chapter's quite short, but don't worry, there's a part 2 coming up really soon! (I hope) lol

Enjoy! 😘

It wasn't a secret that Harry was quite prone to illnesses, more so than the other boys.

Maybe it was because of his asthma, his hayfever, or something totally else, but it was always Harry who had the occasional sore throat, headache, or the flu.

So no one, not even Harry himself, was too surprised when he came out of his room sniffling and coughing two weeks ago. It wasn't even something serious, anyway. 

All he did was take some Tylenol and drink some warm tea, just like he always did for a simple cold. And the boys didn't even worry about it, Harry had colds all the time, and he was perfectly fine after a good night's sleep.

And Harry thought so too, it wasn't like it was too horrible or anything, so he did his work as usual, going to studios and recording, doing shows, going to interviews, et cetera et cetera. 

Well, previously he had thought that. 

Now he wasn't so sure. 

Maybe because it was winter and it was freezing cold outside, or maybe because the band's schedule was especially packed these days, but Harry's little cold was starting to really bother him. 

First of all, it was the fact that his cold was still lingering. It's been two weeks, and that was usually enough, or plenty, of time for a simple cold to go away. There were still the sniffles, the damn cough, and a fever. 

And it even seemed to get worse. That's never happened before, except for that time a few years ago when all of the boys got the stomach flu and his fever got so much worse after a few days. 

Well, it wasn't like his fever was rising or anything, (although his head always throbbed in that annoying way), but his throat hurt much more, and he was sure that his cough had worsened. 

Sometimes he even had chest pains in the morning because he had coughed a storm during the night. And god the annoying sniffles, they drove him crazy and the other boys crazy as well, but he couldn't help it. 

And everywhere ached, his head, his throat, his chest, even his nose. He was constantly tired and quite moody, last night he almost yelled at Liam just for turning on the TV.

He wasn't properly resting in his bed, so he did figure that his cold wouldn't go away as easily as he thought. But this was starting to worry him a bit. 

Even in shows, Harry felt like he wasn't performing his best, sometimes missing his lines because his throat hurt too much or because he was coughing his lungs out in the corner. The boys helped him a lot, of course, but obviously that wasn't enough. 

And today, when he woke up, he felt so much worse, if that was even possible. 

Normally, his fever wouldn't bother him too much, it didn't rise, only staying on a mild 38 degrees or so. Well, of course there was still this annoying headache, but it was just that- annoying. 

But today his head throbbed with a vengeance, crossing the line over 'annoying' to 'painful'. It was like there was a marching band playing inside of his skull, ringing painfully in his head. He also felt freezing cold but also suffocatingly hot at the same time, and he knew his fever had probably risen. 

And his throat was definitely burning, or maybe he had accidentally swallowed knives instead of tea yesterday? Every swallow hurt his throat painfully, like swallowing lava. 

His cough was a barking mess, all scratchy and loud. It definitely didn't sound good, and he was worried because they had a show tonight. 

He grudgingly got up from his bed though, taking some Tylenol before going out of his room. Sniffling, he walked downstairs to fix himself some warm tea for his throat. 

Niall was already in the living room, scrolling on his phone. He looked up when Harry passed him to the kitchen. 

"Good mornin', Haz. You feeling any better today, mate?" He asked. 

Harry shook his head, although he regretted it after a sharp pain rang through his head. Well, at least it was less painful than his throat. 

"That bad, huh?" Niall asked worriedly. 

Harry nodded, slightly this time not to jostle his head, with a tired look on his face. He stepped into the kitchen to grab a mug and put a tea bag in it, although interrupted by a sneeze. 

Niall worriedly followed him, and gently took the mug from Harry. 

"Hey, Haz, you seem really rough. I'll fix the tea, you go rest on the couch." 

Harry gratefully nodded with bloodshot eyes and headed back to the living room. He lied down on the couch, and wrapped himself with a blanket. Why was it so cold in here?

A few minutes later, Niall brought back his tea. 

"Added some honey, too. For your throat." Niall said as he handed the steaming mug to Harry. 

Harry shot a look of gratitude towards Niall, and opened his mouth to mutter "Thanks." 

Well, at least he tried to. 

He and Niall were both surprised at the weird, scratchy sound that came out of his mouth. Harry immediatly fell into a coughing fit that burned his throat, and Niall softly patted his back comfortingly, although the Irish lad was worried, too. 

After Harry recovered, he tried again, but this time no sound came out from his mouth, it only hurt his throat. He groaned - well, internally - when he realized what must have happened. 

He lost his voice. Completely and utterly. 

Niall seemed to realize that too, and he rushed to comfort the sick lad. 

"Aww, Hazza, lost your voice, haven't ya? Hey, hey, it's okay, we all get sick from time to time... Oh no no no, don't cry, Haz. It's okay..." Niall said, wiping Harry's tears when he started crying. His fever was definitely messing with his emotions. 

Harry shook his head and sniffled. It wasn't okay. He had fans who were waiting, people who wanted to hear him sing, interviews to do, and more. How could he do all that without a voice?

He signaled for some pen and paper, he needed something to communicate. Niall quickly brought him some, and Harry scribbled something on the note. 

Not okay. Fans want to see me sing. Useless. 

"No, no, no, Hazza, you're not useless. The fans will love you no matter what. They love you, not your singing. If you just stand there and look pretty, the fans will be positively screaming." Niall said. 

Really?  Harry scribbled again. 

"Yes, really, Haz. So all you need to do is rest and get better, okay? Hopefully you'll have your voice back soon." 

Harry smiled a bit, his first smile since he woke up today, and nodded slightly. 

Thanks, Nialler. I think I'll just sleep now. Can you get me some more blankets, please? :)

"Of course, Haz. I'll be right back." Niall said. 

When Niall was back with two more blankets, Harry's mug was empty, and he was fast asleep on the couch. 

Niall ruffled Harry's curly hair and smiled, gently wrapping him in the blankets he brought. 

A/N: Hope you guys liked it <3 Please vote and comment if u like it! If you want to request, you can message me or just do it in the comments, thanks!! 💖 

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