Sick and scared of needles (request)

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Request: hi could you make one where Harry gets really sick and has to go to the doctor and get a needle but is really scared to?

This was requested by jugglingzxs <33 

Thank you for requesting! :)

Harry really hadn't been feeling good all day. 

From the moment he woke up from his sleep today, his stomach was bothering him, sending waves of stabbing pain in his abdomen. 

And not to mention the constant nausea that kept him from eating his breakfast and lunch, which he rarely skipped. Thankfully he hadn't thrown up yet, but he had a feeling that it was going to be inevitable. 

A throbbing headache also bothered him, even though he had taken some Tylenol for it, it just didn't go away. 

The other boys, especially Louis, had shot him concerned looks at him all day, asking him if was okay. Well, he certainly wasn't, but he didn't want to be a burden to them, so he just nodded and said that he was tired. 

Harry didn't think the other boys really believed him, based on the suspicious looks Louis gave him, but he just acted like he was fine. 

So that was why right now, Harry was discreetly rubbing his cramping stomach while he was watching a movie with the other lads in their hotel. 

He felt extremely nauseous, even more so than when he first woke up today. Probably because of the smell of pizza the boys had ordered. Harry felt like he was going to hurl any minute, but he tried to keep the bile down. 

But when another harsh cramp racked his stomach, Harry couldn't take it anymore. 

"Um... Guys...? Gotta go to the loo, don't pause for me." He shakily said. 

Without waiting for an answer, he rushed towards the bathroom and immediately leaned in front of the toilet, gagging as he did so. He violently threw up, emptying his meager stomach contents. 

The bile burned his throat horribly, and he gasped for breath as the first round ended. He felt tears slide down his cheeks, he just felt so bad

Although his stomach was still cramping and the nausea hadn't settled completely, Harry stood up with wobbling legs and flushed the toilet. He coughed into his hand, wincing at the pain in his raw throat. 

Harry stood in front of the sink, slightly hunched over, and splashed some cold water on his face so that the boys (hopefully) wouldn't notice how shitty he looked. 

He opened the medicine cabinet and took some stomach relaxers as well as some more Tylenol. He really hoped that the cramps will die down soon. 

Harry composed himself then went back to the boys, who were still immersed in the movie. Louis momentarily frowned at him in worry, but Harry just shrugged, acting cool. 

He sat back on the sofa slowly, and tried to enjoy the movie. But he couldn't help it when his eyeslids started drooping and he slipped into a deep slumber. 


"Harry? Hazza, wake up, mate." Liam called. "The movie's over, and it's time for dinner."

Harry groaned and shut his eyes even tighter, curling into a ball. His head was pounding, and his stomach felt terrible. 

"Is there something wrong? You look awfully pale." Liam commented. 

Harry opened his eyes and shook his head. "No... I'm fine, really..." He muttered out, although he felt the exact opposite. It was just that he didn't want to worry the other boys. 

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