The Godforsaken Squadron

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"With everything presented beforehand, this court finds you guilty of genocide and multiple war crimes, and decides your fate to be death by hanging. Is there anything you would wish to add, Miss Amber?"

What? Where the fuck am I? What the hell is going on?

"Yeah. I did all the shit you just said. And guess what? I'd do it all over again if I had the fucking chance."

What? No! What the hell am I saying? Where the fuck even am I? Is this some sort of fucking tribunal or what? Why am I here? Weren't I going to Tartu? Wasn't I in some truck? What the hell is going on?

"Amber! Amber!"

Eevi? Where are you, Eevi? Why can't I find you? Where have you gone?

"Amber! Wake up!"

I suddenly sit up, almost hitting Eevi's chin in the process. I look around quickly. I'm in the truck I was supposed to be in. Asta is here, looking worried at me, and Eevi is on his knees behind me, almost crying.

"What the hell happened?"

"W-Well... You fell asleep while sitting next to your machine gun. And well, we thought you were tired so we let you sleep, but suddenly you started to twist and turn, you started to yell about 'doing it again' and so on, so... we got a little worried."

I look at Asta and she nods, agreeing with Eevi's story. I bring my hand to my forehead and try to recall what just happened.

"I'm sorry. I just... I had some weird fucking dream."

"What dream?"

"I was in some sort of tribunal or something? Accused of shit like war crimes and genocide."

Eevi and Asta look at each other then back at me as if I'm crazy.

"I know it sounds insane, but it's true. Maybe I'm just a bit stressed or something. Eevi, lemme stroke your fur real quick. I need to calm myself down after that."

I sit down on one of the benches in the back of the truck and Eevi puts his head in my lap. I start to stroke his fur and my previous agitation seems to just fade away. After a bit, I look towards Asta and she still looks a bit worried.

"Asta, what's the matter? You need to stroke his fur too? I'm just kidding of course, I'd rip your fingers off if you did."

"N-No, it's not that. It's just... I was thinking of what you were saying. Genocide. War crimes. That's not true, is it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry. I think I said more than I can."

"C'mon, it's just the three of us here. What the hell are you worried about?"

"I'm worried since this shit is confidential. It's so confidential that it's treated as nothing but a rumour by anyone around my rank."

"Well if it's a rumour then it's not true. Out with it."

"I... I suppose that's true. What I am about to tell you must not leave this truck, ok?"

"I'm not gonna say anything to anyone. You neither, right, Eevi?"


"Ok. So. You remember about 3 years ago, the fight for Moscow, right?"

"Yeah. The Reich struck an incredible blow to the Soviets, their lines collapsed, yada-yada, all that jazz. What about it?"

"Well, again, this is nothing but a rumour but, it's said Joseph Stalin never left Moscow."


"Yes. Apparently, his generals, especially Zhukov, assured him there was no way in hell we would take Moscow."

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