A Truly Joyous Occasion

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Waking up was hard. There was nothing about it specifically that was hard to do. Getting out of bed wasn't a hassle. Yet for some reason it took all of my strength to open my eyes. I suppose yesterday's events really took the wind out of me. Although I imagine something like that wouldn't be easy for anyone to get through. Still, all I had on my mind was the warmth between my arms and my legs. It was the only thing I could actually focus on, my mind holding onto it like some sort of last connection to the real world. As if I would just disappear if it let go of it. And so I started to hold onto it tighter in the real world too. Doing so forced a moan out of the mouth of the one in my arms. Perhaps I wasn't aware of how hard I was actually hugging her. Or maybe my thighs also clamped down on her length, making her involuntarily moan. Either way, soon her eyes were open and she was looking up at me, with a sleepy and confused look. For a moment, she looked like Eevi. My poor, sweet Eevi. And so before I could stop myself, I started to stroke her hair. She didn't seem to mind though. In fact, she even pushed herself into my hand when I tried to move away. And so we sat there for a while, not exactly willing to get out of bed and face yet another day of... whatever the fuck had just happened. But soon, our quiet and relaxed existence was interrupted by the doorknob being moved, followed by knocks after the person behind it realised it was locked. The knocks were short, only three of them in total, yet, despite my mind telling me to just ignore them, for some reason I was pushed to get up and open the door. Not by Asta, but by my own will. Something was telling me to open the door, right now. And so I did, I slowly got up, found the key eventually and slowly moved towards the door, still not able to walk too steadily from my grogginess. Once there, I eventually managed to stick the key into the hole and slowly unlocked the door. I then opened it slowly, not really showing much of my body. Despite my state, I was still aware that I was naked and I wasn't exactly willing to show the entire Division my naked body. Sticking nothing but my head out from behind the door I am surprised and suddenly filled with joy. I throw the door open, forgetting about my earlier inhibitions and drag the one standing before me inside. I quickly shut the door after him and lock it, before dragging him to the bed on which Asta was now sitting looking at me, most probably curious of who made me so excited. At the sight of him however she also started to smile before she had any time to stop herself. I quickly sat down next to Asta while he sat there, in front of both of us, looking a bit red in the cheeks, as always.

"How are you, Eevi? Have you recovered?" The words left my mouth in an almost motherly tone, as if I was asking my son how he felt after a cold or a scrape.

"I-I'm fine! More importantly... Why are the two of you naked?"

"Eevi, you should know better than everyone that this is how I like to sleep."

"O-Oh, yes, you're right."

He looked down for a moment, his face red. 'It hasn't changed him' I thought as I looked at him. And truly that was it. There was nothing changed about him. His personality was still the same. He was still the same adorable Eevi that made me absolutely adore him and want to keep him as my pet.

"Why are you just sitting there, Eevi? Why not come to bed with us? I'm sure you're tired after recovering, right?" Asta managed to say this before I even had time to think it. I'm unsure whether her intentions were purely good, if she wanted something more, or if she just wanted to get back to sleep and thought this would be the best way.

Regardless, Eevi hesitated a bit before giving us a short nod. He quickly took off both his boots and pants, yet started to hesitate when it came time to take his shirt off.

"Come on, Eevi. What's the matter?" I looked at him with worry. This was not like him. He'd been in bed with me naked before, so why was he hesitating now?

After a bit of time he finally went on, taking his shirt off to reveal a scar where the bullet had hit him. Apparently it had gone right through him, thankfully not hitting anything too important, but definitely affecting him. It seemed to have hit close to the shoulder, and looking at it now, despite still being able to move both his hands just fine, the one on the side of the bullet was clearly harder to move than the other. My mind started to spin, thinking of ways I could have stopped this. I just kept thinking of whether it was my fault that he was like this. My cute, little, adorable Eevi was now sitting before me, clearly struggling, because I was unable to protect him. Despite my promises, I was useless. I was unable to save him from this. I was...

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