Germania Rules the Dead

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Knocking. Again. I thought ignoring it would make it go away. Yet it's just not happening.

"Eevi. Are you awake?" My voice is barely audible because of my tiredness, yet somehow Eevi hears it.

"Yes mistress." His voice, too, is hard to hear. It seems we're both barely awake.

"Can you go check the door?"

"Y-Yes... mistress..."

It takes him a bit to actually get moving. For a moment he almost falls down while walking but eventually he reaches the door. All this time the knocking just keeps coming. It seems to also have annoyed Eevi as he throws the door open as soon as he gets to it, perhaps forgetting that he was naked. Thankfully in front of him stands Asta, who doesn't even bat an eye at the fact that we're naked. She just rushes in past Eevi and he eventually closes the door behind her once he realises she's no longer standing in the doorway.

"Finally. Took you two long enough. Get up. We have work to do."

"We?" Eevi says this as he drags himself back into bed next to me and cuddles up next to me as close as possible.

"Yes, we. Weren't we a team?"

"Asta, I feel this is something you need to do that you want our help with." The words come out of my mouth almost mechanically. As if I was on autopilot. They might come across a little harsh but I was way too tired to actually care about that.

"W-Well... Perhaps. But that doesn't matter. Listen, this is very important."

"Asta, I swear to god, if you ask me for sex again I swear..."


"I'm not giving you Eevi either..."

"Aw come on, throw me a bone here... Wait, no, this is not what I want to talk about! It's something really important! Now get your asses up right now!"

"I'd rather have my ass on this bed. Who knows what you'll do if I lift it?"

I can hear Eevi chuckle into my chest with every joke I make and it makes me feel good knowing at least he's getting some enjoyment out of this. I pull his head back a little, worried my breasts and fur might be making it a bit hard for him to breathe but he instantly sticks his head back.

"Warm..." is all he can mutter as a response for his actions. I decide to leave it at that and turn my attention back to Asta who seemed like she was about to just give up and leave. Looking at her closer her face seems a bit pale yet again but I just ignore it. After all, there can't be any bigger news than the last ones. He is dead, what could be more important? Did they bring him to life or something?

"Amber, I need you to listen to me. I don't like saying this but... I need your help. Please."

This gets both my and Eevi's attention. Suddenly awake we both get up and remain seated on the bed looking at her. We try to push every other emotion aside and wait for her to go on.

"Ok Asta. Shoot. What is it?"

"We're fucked."

"Asta, listen. I know we might be a bit insane but that's a bit much, isn't it?"

"Not what I mean."

"And only me and Eevi had sex last night."

"Also not what I mea- HEY! What the hell?! Why was I not invited?"

"Unsure. Most of last night is a blur."

"I... I see."

She seems a bit disappointed but quickly pulls herself back together and continues talking.

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