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Hello everyone.  

Welcome to The ghost who was haunted

As always please remember I'm very dyslexic. So things might not be spelt right and grammar might be horrible. 

If you are reading on AO3, be mindful. I am still not used to wattpad so chapters may be small.

This fic does include OC's and doesn't fully follow canon. So if you don't like that, don't read. 

This fic follows what one OC believes happened. The oc is also manipulating the story so you feel sorry for them.  So the story might not be true to what actually happens and characters may seem different..

Not all the characters belong to me. The canon characters belong to she who must not be named (i do not believe her beliefs and i am a trans man myself. But the harry potter universe, especially my OCs and the marauders, comfort me).  Some of the OCs belong to my friends. They sadly don't have AO3 accounts (well only Sophia's owner does) but their wattpad accounts are:
@FifiXo (same on AO3)
I can't find the wattpad account for the owner of Emberlynn and Amy. 

This story takes place in the same universe as: the tragic life of roxie Malfoy, the secret life of Celestia Malfoy, the living horcrux, the snape family, love will tear us apart and the dog who cried wolf. 

So you might want to read those as well. 

● Death 
● misgendering

Now have fun with this story.  

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