chapter 1

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I guess you're sat here hoping I'll tell you a story all about my famous brother, Harry Bloody potter. All everyone wants is Harry bleeding potter. That's gonna change today.  I'm gonna tell you my story. The story of how I died. I was just a little kid who made a mistake which cost me my life. My story begins on the happy day of 31st July 1981. 

“James, my water just broke. Call the healer” 


“OK I'll call the healer” 

“Here is Baby number 1. A sweet little boy” 

“Aww a boy” 

“Oh you have woken up Mr Potter” 

“Here is baby number 2. A little girl” 

“I'm the dad of a girl?!” THUD 

“And he has fainted again.” 

“Everyone meet our children” 

On the 31st July 1980, Lily Potter (Nee Evans) gave birth to twins. First was a little boy with Raven coloured hair and green eyes. He was like a baby version of James potter. The boy was named Harry James Potter. Second was the little boy with bright red hair and grey eyes. She was named Jazmine Lily Potter.  

The family were as happy as can be, living in potter manor. But at the end of August a prophecy was made. A prophecy that made them go into hiding. 

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies” 

The prophecy could be about Harry, Jazmine or Neville Longbottom (son of Alice and Frank). So the families went into hiding. The potter's hide away in Godric Hollow with Sirius Black as a secret keeper. 

At first the little family quickly settled into Godric Hollow but then things started going bad in 1981. 

The war got so much worse in 1981. So many people are gone. 

Edgar Bones, his wife and their children -  (except his daughter, Susen) dead.

Fabian Prewett - Dead 

Gideon Prewett - dead 

Adalbert Waffling - dead 

Benjy Fenwick - dead  

Mary McDonald - Missing 

Marlene McKinnon - Dead 

Dorcas Meadowes - dead. 

Marlene and the whole McKinnon family was found dead in their home in july 1981. Then a month later, Dorcas was killed for unknown reasons by Voldemort himself.

The deaths paused for a while then October happened. 

Remus lupin disappeared on a mission for Dumbledore (leaving Beca in Sirius's care) 

Sirius forced the potter's to change secret keeper because he thought Remus was the spy.  

Peter Pettigrew told Voldemort where the potter's were hiding. 

Then Halloween 1981 happened. 

It was a dark cold night. The streets of Godric Hollow were filled with children in costumes trick or treating. The streets were filled with giggles and lanterns. At the end of the street, there was an invisible house. To everyone else it just seems like a patch of grass but to those who know that house was number 12 Church street, godric Hollow. From the outside, you would think no one lives there but as soon as you go inside, you will know straight away. The inside of the house was beautiful. It had this cottage core feel. Everything seemed to have a place. The only things out of place were all the baby toys all over the floor. There were so many family pictures all over the walls. The house was amazing. 

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