chapter 6: year 5

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As always, the start of the new year brought new gossip for the gossip circle. And the gossip circle had a lot to talk about this year. But like most gossip circles, they were half right, half wrong. Let's break down their gosip shall we? 

“Did you hear what Dumbledore is saying?”
“Did you hear the ministry’s response?”
“Is it safe for the kids to go back to hogwarts?”
“Of course it's safe Linda. You know who isn’t real. Have you seen him?”
At first the gossip was about Voldemort coming back. You see Dumbledore had announced he was back but the ministry didn’t believe he was back and had been publishing that and fighting with Dumbledore over that fact all summer, in the public eye. 
“Oh did you hear, Audrey? The malfoy’s foster son, Marcus Slythern, disappeared”
“Oh I hear he ran away Linda”
“I heard he was disowned for being a mudblood”
“I heard he fell in love with a muggle and ran away to get marr-”
“Don’t be stupid heather”

Another thing they were gossiping about was Marcus Slytherin. You see, at the end of august Marcus Slytherin disappeared. No one knew where he was or why he disappeared but so many pureblood people were calling him a blood traitor. 
“Dumbledore is getting too old. He needs to retire. “
“Did you hear? He failed to hire a defence against the dark arts teacher?”
“He did? Who’s going to teach my dear son then?”
“Someone from the ministry apparently”
“Oh good. They’ll see that Hogwarts needs new staff and the students need mental help. Saying he is back when he isn’t”

The last thing they were gossiping about was the new Defence against the dark Arts professors that the government had hired. Albus Dumbledore had failed to hire a new teacher and the ministry had appointed one themselves. 
Jazz listened to the whispers for a bit before going on the train and sitting with Eileen, star, Roxie, Sophia, Jazz, Alya, Emberlynn and River. Jazz sat right next to Sophia, smiling kindly at her.  There were many different conversations happening in the compartment. Eileen and River were planning what chaos they were going to cause as a send off for River leaving Hogwarts and before River is forced to get married at the end of school year. Emberlyn and Alya were having multiple conversations at once but the main contestation topics were: Bill Weasley (Emberlynn's baby daddy/boyfriend), Charlie Weasley (Alya's crush) and Natasha Weasley. Star and Roxie were just staring out of the window. Sophia was just talking about stuff. Jazz didn't know what. But at one point Sophia was staring out of the window, so Jazz took the time to compliment Sophia in association with how beautiful the view was. But Sophia got angry for no reason and stormed out of the compartment.  Only to return with Fred who pushed Jazz away from Sophia and forced Jazz to move. 
During the welcome feast, Dolores Umbridge was introduced as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Jazz didn't know what to think about the woman. But Sophia hated her so Jazz needed to hate her too, so Sophia would be happy. 
The next morning, Jazz woke up to find Bree and Eileen had cut their hair short and Eileen had dyed their hair fully red. Jazz hated it. Why was Eileen trying to copy them? Red is their look!!!! Jazz was glad when they got detention for it. Serves them right. 

Soon classes started up. 
The first class with Professor Umbridge was a whole ordeal. Skylar and Draco were teasing each other and arguing with each other the whole lesson. Harry was arguing with Umbridge over Voldemort being alive or not and taking up all of everyone's attention again. Eileen was annoying the hell out of Umbridge and she was wearing a very revealing red dress instead of the uniform. Bree got detention for not acting like a lady. But Jazz liked Umbridge's lessons. If it was only theory work, Harry wouldn't be able to show off which meant he wouldn't be able to steal Jazz's friends anymore.

Just before Christmas, something happened. Something that was the last straw for Jazz. Bree and Jazz were walking down the hallway together when they overheard Harry and someone talking. 

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