chapter 7: year 6

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As September 1996 rolled round, so did the new school year. Students of old and new filled the Hogwarts express ready to go back to Hogwarts but not all of them were excited. But Jazz was. They were excited to go back to Hogwarts to see Sophia and to show off their new lace gloves. Jazz skips onto the trains and goes looking for Sophia but they couldn't find her. So in the end Jazz was forced to sit with some death eater children who hated Jazz because of their brother.

“Potter's don't belong in here! Get out!” 

“girls can't be in here pottah get out” 
When they arrived at Hogwarts, Jazz tried to sit next to Sophia but Fred and Hermione were at either side of her and Fred pushed Jazz to group when they tried to sit down, causing them to bang their head. “You don't belong here. No one wants you here”  so Jazz ended up sitting at the far end of the table because no one let them sit next to them. 
Soon classes started up but there was something different about the classes. Something was different with Abby.  In fact, Abby wasn't herself at all. Shewas blowing more stuff up than normal and more chaos was happening. Also she was arguing with everyone and snapping at everyone. And I mean everyone. Students she has never talked to. The teachers. Albus. Eileen. Fauna. Skylar. Even Mcgonagall.  No one was safe.  Everyone was confused and concerned. They all hoped that classes would send her back to normal self but she only got worse. Bree wasn't themselves either. They were snapping at everyone. Getting in fights with people who even looked at their friends in the wrong way. They are in detention most of the time. They aren't doing school work. Though Abby and Bree weren't the only ones arguing in class. Harry and Skylar had an argument in front of the whole class about the competition in potions 
"I'm going to tell slughorn you are cheating" 
"Like I could tell him you dragged me alone in the department of mysteries and tried to kill me because you are Voldemort's daughter. you are just jealous because I won and you didn't" 
"I would have won without your cheating! and besides I was protecting you! be grateful!" 
Everyone was keeping Jazz at a distance. If Jazz came anywhere close to them, they would attack Jazz.  Everyone hated them. Everyone was horrible to them. No one wanted them. They were all alone. But they kept going back to the dorm. They kept being kind to Sophia and the roommates despite them being horrible to Jazz. Bree even attacked Jazz for no reason. 

A couple weeks onto the new term, Jazz started getting called away from Hogwarts to go to death eater meetings. So Jazz had to find a way to sneak out of Hogwarts to go to these meetings. Jazz was the only student Death Eater called out of Hogwarts to the meetings but Voldemort had a special spot for Jazz and Jazz was needed by him. He even sent Jazz on missions. But that meant they kept missing hours, days or weeks of lessons at a time. And whenever they came, everyone was even worse to them.  Harry even attacked them. Like full on attacked them for no reason. Jazz had to hold their own back of course. And, well, both of them ended up in the hospital wing for a week.

Actually Jazz came back one day from a meeting near Christmas to find the roommates being horrible about them behind their back. 

"-ay? Oh jazz I was wrong I love you" 

“You love me?’ 

Everyone snaps their head round to find Jazz standing at the doorway. They all quickly stand up as Jazz walks over. They all glare at them and Bree gets their wand out to attack Jazz. 

“No Jazmine. Eww i would never love you. I still have a boyfriend, Jazmine.” 

“So you are just playing a trick on me?”

“No. You don't understand what i mean idiot” 

“What did you mean then?” 

“You are so obsessed with me. It's disgusting. Why would you obsess over me? I hate you”

“Because I love you” 

“ewww stop loving me” 

“I can't!” 

“well that's the problem i will never love a creep disgusting idiot like you” 

Jazz runs off, upset and crying.


Soon the Christmas holidays happened. Jazz went home for Christmas. Only because Voldemort had more missions for them and actually needed them for something.

After Christmas a tragedy was announced. Star Welburga Black had been killed after Eileen and Lilith Snape had a fight at Christmas when Severus was nowhere to be seen. No one knew who to blame so no one was arrested.  

Before anyone knew it, it was the 30th june 1997 and Hogwarts was under attack. 

Students and order members were fighting death eaters left right and centre.  

The order were fighting the death eaters. 

Students were fighting students.

It was all chaos. 

Jazz fought on the side of the people who actually cared for them. The people who were actually nice to them. The people who needed them. They fought on the side of the death eaters. At the end of the battle, Jazz was dragged off with all the other death eaters. 

That summer was the summer of weddings. But Jazz was only invited to one

Jazz was invited to attend the wedding of Celestia Malfoy and Theo Nott. So they were there when Lotty Midnight turned up. They were there when Lotty tried to stop the wedding. They were there when Lotty revealed she was a Muggleborn and was dating Celestia. They were there when Lotty was dragged to Malfoy Dungeons. 

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