chapter 4: year 3

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The school year of 1993/1994 started off like any other year. All the students of Hogwarts made their way to platform 9¾ to catch the Hogwarts express to go back to Hogwarts for the new year. Students were excited to go back to Hogwarts, to see and hang out with their friends again (and in some cases to get away from their parents for half of the year). However something was different than normal. The Hogwarts express was more eary than normal. The train was filled with fear. The train was filled with whispers. 
"Did you hear about what he did?" 
"I hope they find him soon" 
"He's going to kill us isn't he?"
"We'll be safe at Hogwarts right?"
"Roxie, he isn't a bad guy" 
"Did you hear he killed 13 muggles as well as his best friends?'
"Why has he broken out now"
Jazz on the other hand wasn't scared. Jazz was determined. Ever since the news report of Sirius's escape, Jazz has been researching everything about Sirius Black. And well Jazz wanted to get revenge now. No one gets to murder their parents and live.

Anyway, Jazz was getting on the train when they noticed Eileen was still moping about and they had had enough so they grabbed Eileen by the collar and dragged her to a random compartment. Turns out the compartment had Emberlynn Black, Alya Black, River Parkinson and some other girl inside the compartment. They didn’t say anything to Jazz but they did send dirty looks towards Jazz as Jazz sat down. Eilleen slumped down across from Emberlynn which led to Eileen getting another pep talk this time from Emberlynn “Some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes. Some mistakes get made. That's alright. That's ok. You can think that you're in love when you're really just in pain.  But if you keep letting the pain they caused rule your life even after you break up, then you are letting him win”. And that was that until the train suddenly stopped. The windows iced up and everything went freezing cold. You see, due to Sirius Black being on the loose, creatures called dementors were searching the train for him.  Oh Dementors are the guards of azkaban. They feed off your soul. The dementors looked in every carriage. And I mean. But the effects of the dementors affected people worse than others. And guess what?   Jazz fainted. But as they fainted they heard a woman's scream. Their mother's scream. When they finally wake up, they burst out laughing “i ha ha heard my ha ha mothers ha ha scream” everyone pulled a face the River turned around to say “something wrong with this one” 

Eventually, the train arrived at Hogwarts and everyone went to the welcome day feast and then everyone went to bed. But the next day the roommates woke up to a shock. They woke up to Eileen having the tips of her hair bright red. Why was Eileen copying them? Red hair is their thing. Is Eileen trying to replace Jazz? 

Soon class started up and everyone got to see the real Eileen Lily Snape. Eileen becomes reckless. She disrupts every single lesson. She has been caught so many times making out with men and women in the hallways and the Gryffindor common room.  She's always causing chaos. She's always in detention. She was horrible to Jazz. Jazz hated this. 

The first lesson of DADA for Gryffindor and Slytherins was something. They were learning about boggarts so Professor Lupin had all the students go up against the bogart. Only a few students got to go before Professor Lupin had to stop the activity but the students that did have a go were…. Wow. 

Neville Longbottom's was Severus Snape then it turned into Severus Snape doing drag. 

Dean Thomas's was a disembodied hand that turned into a hand in a mouse trap. 

Hermione's was Professor McGonagall telling her that she failed her exams then into Professor McGonagall giving her an award.

Padma Patil was A giant snake then a Jack-in-the-box. 

Parvati Patil  was A bloodstained, bandaged mummy and then the mummy fell over its bandagers. 

Ron Weasley’ was a spider but then the spider lost its legs. 

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