chapter 3: year 2

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With August coming to an end and September just beginning, magical students from all around the UK pack up their things and rush to London to catch the Hogwarts Express from platform 9¾ at Kings Cross Station. The platform was once again filled with tons of different families. The Weasleys, their foster children. The Malfoys and their wards. Bree and their moomy. The snape/Black children. The children all on their own with no parents or siblings with them like Hermione Granger. The platform was filled with lots of different families.

Blaise and Jazz arrived together again but as soon as they were on the platform they split up again so they weren't seen together. Blaise went to the slytherin compartments and Jazz went to find somewhere to sit with Sophia. 

As the students all rushed onto the train, the Malfoy children and Skylar Slytherin were all given a talk but Sophia walked off halfway through only to return to drag Roxie and leo. 
Jazz tried to find a compartment for them and the blonde goddess but she never showed. Instead a fourth year Gryffindor saw them alone and decided to keep them company. This boy was Comet Black, twin of Alya and son of Regulus Black. The whole ride they talked about random things. Nothing you need to know. They got to know each other and they actually became friends. 

When everyone finally arrived at Hogwarts and were seated at their tables, the sorting of the first years started. 
"Lovegood, luna" 
A young girl with blonde hair and flower crown skipped up to the stool and sat down as the hat was placed on her head. It didn't take long for the hat to shout 

" ravenclaw!" 

Luna smiled and skipped over to the ravenclaw table and sat next to a 5th year called Evan Black. 
"Malfoy, Leo" 
Leo flinched and slowly walked to the stool. He sat down, shaking under everyone's eyes. “Poor kid" Bree mumbled 


Leo flinched at the loud shouting of the hat before running off and sitting next to Luna. Cheers from Sophia could be heard. 
"Snape, Fauna"
A young girl with brown hair confidently walked up to the stool and sat down waiting to be sorted. She smiles at someone at the slytherin table while listening to everyones whispers about there being another secret Snape daughter. 

" ravenclaw!"  

Fauna smiled and went to sit with Leo and Luna, listening to the whispers like "wait that means there's a Snape in each house". 
"Weasley, Ginny" 
The youngest Weasley slowly walked up to the stool and sat down. The hat was barely on her head before shouting

" Another weasley, BETTER BE GRYFFINDOR"

So she gets up and goes to the gryffindor table to sit with her siblings.

A couple of days into the new term was when classes started up and everyone got to meet their new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lockhart. There's only two moods you can have when it comes to your opinion about Lockhart: you either swoon over him and absolutely love his books or you hate him, think he is stupid and hate his stupid books. There is no inbetween. It doesn't help that the 2nd year Slytherin's and Gryffindor's first lesson with him was a test about how much they knew about him that turned into pixie's flying around the classroom creating havoc. Jazz hated him. He was so mean to them. He kept calling Jazz ‘the female Harry Potter’ and sometimes he even forgot who Jazz was. That led to nasty comments from Students like “thats no one importanted just the creepy girl who shouldn't exist’ 

Soon after classes began, the tragedy started. Students and faculty members were being petrified all over Hogwarts with words about the chamber of secrets being opened. Everyone soon worked out that a descendant of Lord Slytherin was opening the Chamber of Secrets and was using the monster trapped in it to petrify muggleborns. So everyone was on look out for someone who could speak Parseltongue (the language of the snakes) because they would be the Slytherin heir. Everyone quickly narrowed it down to two people. Harry Potter (who was seen speaking parseltongue at duelling club) and Skylar Slytherin (well because her last name is Slytherin).

 No one even thought Jazz could be in even though they and Harry are twins. They hated it. Harry was stealing all their friends again. Harry had all the attention again. 


“Shut up, Jazmine. The chosen one is talking” 

One afternoon during all this commotion, Bree decided the roommates should play a game. So they all sat in the common room and played a game. They were playing a game where everyone had to answer questions truthfully. It was going amazingly. But the last question caused everyone to hate Jazz more. The question Hermione read was “Who do you have a crush on? Oh easy this character from one of my books. Now your guys turn.” So the roommates all took turns answering. 

“My boyfriend of course” 

“..... Fred Weasley” 


“Jazz why do you have to be suck a creep? I don't like you. Please leave before I force you to creep. Now bree, please tell us your crush before Jazz starts being even more creepy” 

Jazz didn't wait for Bree's answer. They just got up and ran off crying. Why did the blonde goddess have to be so mean. When Jazz came back to the dorm, the group refused to talk to them but they kept sending Jazz dirty looks. 

As things got worse and more and more students were petrified. Something else happened. No one told Jazz what though. But Eileen wouldn't leave her bed and was crying all the time and kept swearing at Jazz while Jazz was doing nothing. It was horrible. But then one day while Bree and Eileen were talking shit about Jazz with Jazz in the room, Bree gave the room a speech. 

“You know what everyone listen it's speech time.  If you save yourself for marriage, you're bore. If you don't save yourself for marriage, you're a whore. If you don't drink your prude but as soon as you have one glass, you're an alcoholic drunk. If you can't lose weight you're fat like Jazz but if you lose too much you're on crack. You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. So you might as well do whatever you want. Except you Jazz. You keep away from us, you creep” 
Things started getting worse. More muggleborns were turning up petrified. Hermione had been petrified. The school is going to close if someone doesn't close the chamber soon. No one knew what to do. 


Suddenly Sophia left them again. They left them and disappeared with Harry again. HARRY NEEDS TO STOP STEALING THEIR FRIENDS!! Sophia is Jazz's not Harry's. 

Eventually, Sophia, Ron, Skylar and Harry appeared again. But no one was talking to Jazz. Everyone was ignoring Jazz. Jazz was alone. No one wanted Jazz. 

A week before everyone was sent home for the summer, the second years had to pick their OWL subjects that they would start taking on top of their Compulsory lessons. Jazz decided to pick the OWLs Harry and Sophia were in. “They can't ignore me if they are in the same class as me”. So Jazz picked Care of Magical Creatures,  Divination, Astronomy and the mandatory subjects.

 Date: 3rd August 1993 

Sirius Black has become the first person to escape Azkaban. Be on the lookout. He was in Azkaban for killing Peter Pettigrew and 13 muggles. He is also the reason for James and Lily Potter dying at the hands of the dark lord (turn to page 6 to read about hallows eve 1981) 

Sirius Black is the disowned son of the late Walburga and Orion black (turn to page 8 to read about his disownment). Sirius black went to Hogwarts in 1991 and was the first Black to be sorted into gryffindor. There he became friends with James Potter.  In 1981, in the middle of the war, Sirius Black became a dad to Bree Black and godfather to Harry Potter.  It is believed that Sirius Black may go to Hogwarts to finish what he started by killing Harry Potter and Jazmine Potter.”

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