chapter 8: year 7

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"Dear all readers, 
With Albus Dumbledore dead, the death eaters have taken over Hogwarts. Severus Snape is now the headmaster. He has fired all muggleborn teachers. He has hired new teachers who are death eaters. 
On other news, he who must not be named has killed the ministry of Magic. Death eaters now run the ministry . 
Death eaters are everywhere killing tons of people. And tons of muggleborns and muggles have gone missing. 
But where's our hero?
Harry Potter, the boy who lived, has disappeared. Leaving us in this mess. Maybe he isn't much of a hero after all and we are all going to die. 
That's all from me for now. Stay safe. 
I'll hand over to trickster for the list of everyone who has died so far. 
Here's the list of people who have died so far. Our hearts go out to their families and friends. 
● Lotty Midnight
● {name} 
● {name}” 

Sat on a stream train, in a compartment all alone at the far end of the train, was a young person, no older than 17. They had fiery red hair in two ponytails and grey eyes. Their eyes held nothing. No emotions. No thoughts. No secrets. No anything.  The person was wearing a white button up shirt with a red and gold striped tie laying neatly on their chest, tied around their neck. The person was wearing a grey skirt that lay just above their knee and black knee high stockings. On their feet were black smart buckled shoes. On their hands and arms were lace fingerless gloves that went up to their elbows. Under the glove on their left arm was a tattoo of a skull head attached to a snake body.  The train was heading to a little magical town in Scotland called Hogsmeade.

 It took all day but the train finally arrived to hogsmeade. The young person followed many other students off the train and onto carriages pulled by black skeleton horses. The young person was sitting in a carriage alone. The carriages took the children up to a castle that only magical people could see. A castle that stood as a school called Hogwarts. 

All the students made their way to the great hall at tables according to their tie colours. Red for gryffindor table. Blue for Ravenclaw table. Green for Slytherin table. Yellow for Hufflepuff table. Despite the hall not being full, the young person was pushed to the very end of the gryffindor table away from everyone else. The young people were forced to listen as students were horrible about them. 

“Have you seen Potter's sister?” 

“I can't believe Jazz came back” 

“Why are you calling her Jazz? It's Jazmine” 

“Just because they are a death eater doesn't mean we get to be asswholes” 

“Jazmine is a murder. They shouldn't be allowed back” 

“I bet all the teachers are going to put her above everything because she's a death eater” 

“That weak little thing will not survive”

“We should show her what's right and what's wrong” 

“Yeah lets give her a lesson” 

“Eileen that skirt is way to sort for you”

Jazz potter was alone mentally. They had no one. Their parents were dead. Their brother and their crush have disappeared. Everyone at Hogwarts is being horrible to them. Jazz Potter was alone. 

The students who believed in Dumbledore's army and were fighting for the order, weren't the only people beating Jazz up and bullying Jazz for just existing. The death eater students and the teachers were as well just because they were a potter.  

Everyone hated Jazz. No one wanted Jazz to be alive. No one wanted Jazz around. The only time someone spoke to Jazz is to be horrible to them. Jazz's old roommate and Friend, Eileen Lily Snape, was at the top of the list of people being horrible and abusive towards Jazz. 

Jazz had no one left.

Jazz had nowhere safe to go. 

Jazz had nothing. 

Jazz's foster brother pretended they didn't exist and ignored them whenever they tried talking to him.  Lady Zambni sent all Jazz's letters back unopened..

Jazz had no one left.

Jazz had nowhere safe to go. 

Jazz had nothing. 

Students kept disappearing. Only students who were death eaters were around 24/7. Jazz had no one in their dorm room. They were all alone. No friends. No family. No love. They were not wanted. 

As the year went on, things got worse and worse for Jazz Potter. But on the 1st May 1998, people appeared at Hogwarts. The order appeared. Harry potter returned. Sophia Malfoy returned.  Jazz tried to talk to them. Jazz tried to be friends with them again. Jazz tried to help them. Jazz tried to have a heart to heart with Sophia. Jazz admitted she was in love with Sophia. Jazz tried to kiss Sophia good luck. But all they got in return was…. 

“You are such a bitch to us Jazmine. Go fuck off. No one wants you here” 

“Oh I was a bitch to you right? You don't Remember when I was nice. Nice again and again and again. And then I was a bitch. You don't remember that huh?"

On the 2nd may 1998, the only person who has ever truly been nice to Jazz attacked Hogwarts. But Jazz couldn't help him. Because Jazz got locked away with the slytherin students. But when they were finally free. Jazz ran.  They ran past the river of blood. Past the fire. Past the dead bodies of people that have hated them. They just kept running. They needed to find him, they needed to find Voldemort. 

But as they ran Jazz bumped into Harry. Jazz quickly grabbed their wand and stood up to protect themselves against Harry who had his wand out. 

“I'm not going to kill you, you idiot. Despite your actions, you are still my sister”
“I tried to help you and you were horrible to me. I was kind to you. I love you. But you hated me and never lov-”
“stop this dribble about being unloved. You are a Potter. You're my twin.  I love you Jazz.” 

Jazz tears fall down Jazz's face as they slowly lower their wand, thinking it's safe. But it was safe because as soon as their wand was down Harry attacked them. Jazz quickly tried to defend themselves but they aren't as quick or as powerful as Harry. 



Jazz's lifeless body hit the ground with a thud. Their limbs had gone limp. Their eyes held no life. Their heart had stopped beating. Their lungs stopped filling with air. Jazz was dead. 

“W-what happened?”

On the 3rd may 1998, Hogwarts gained a new ghost. Gryffindor gained a new ghost mascot. A ghost with red hair. A ghost with grey eyes.  A ghost with a tear stained face. A ghost of a 17 year old. A ghost called Jazz Potter. 

A ghost Stuck for eternity watching everyone grow up through Hogwarts and have children of their own as I am stuck haunted as a ghost.  


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