chapter 5: year 4

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1st september was always the busiest time of the year for kings cross station but this year, 1994, the station seemed even busier than normal. It was so much more crowded as well. It seemed like so many more families were on the platform this year than all the other years despite there being the same amount of Hogwarts students (the new first years, replacing the old 7th years). So many people almost fell into the train because of how crowded it was. It's ridiculous. Though all the adults and students seemed to be talking about one thing. The Quidditch World cup. After the death eater attack at the quidditch world cup, everyone’s terrified that Hogwarts is going to be attacked. Kids were also complaining about why they had to bring dress robes this year. 

Jazz was trying to find Sophia on the platform but it was like she was avoiding them. They looked on the train too and couldn't find them. So in the end, Jazz ended up sitting in a compartment with the 2nd year Lexie Lestrange and the 6th year Comet Black. That was one chaotic train ride. 

After a while they all finally arrived at Hogwarts. Everything was going normally until the welcoming speech. At the welcoming speech, the students soon found out why the platform was so overcrowded. Everyone was there in hopes of seeing Vicktor Krum, famous quidditch star. You see in the welcome speech, as well as introducing Mad Eye Moody as the new defence against the dark arts professor, Dumbledore announced the triwizard tournament. The Triwizard Tournament is a famous contest between three schools: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. It originated some 700 years ago as a friendly competition between the three schools. Each school took turns hosting the Tournament, which took place every five years. The contest was a test of intelligence, courage, and wizardry skills. The contest was cut off years ago because last time this tournament took place a student died but Dumbledore had convinced the ministry to run the tournament again and in two weeks students from Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic will turn up at hogwarts to sign up for the tournament and to stay the whole year at hogwarts. 
“Maybe if I find a way into the tournament, Sophia will love me. Though I don't want to die. Ooo maybe harry will go in, die and then I'll have my friends and sophia to myself” 

Soon classes started up and some classes this year are very questionable. Like DADA between the 4th year Slytherins and Gryffindors.


“You can put those away,” Moody commanded, pointing at everyones textbooks. “You won’t need them” Sophia and Ron shared an excited smile as they went to pack their books away. Jazz pulled a face and put their book away.

Moody went on about how he was only staying for a year which sent a shockwave through the class before the topic of illegal curses came up. 

“The imperius curse?” Ron said. This instantly got Jazz's attention. She noted down everything Moody said

“Cruciatus curse…” Neville had said in no more than a whisper.  Jazz noted it down again only to stop when they heard Hermione shout “stop it”. Jazz looks over to find Sophia white and pale. Jazz's body fills with anger and worry. How dare someone do this to their blonde goddess?

Finally, after Hermione’s next answer, he demonstrated the killing curse. Jazz was too busy planning how to kill Moody to help Sophia to note this down. 

“These are the unforgivable curses. The use of any of these on a fellow human being is enough to earn a life sentence in Azkaban” Moody explained. 


When the champions were called out and Harry was picked as a 4th champion, everyone was in shock. While some of the more wild students were laughing like Comet Black and Lexie lestrange. Jazz laughed as well. Harry was in the tournament so maybe Sophia will stay with them now. 
As the weeks went on towards the 1st task, Jazz soon learned that wasn't the case. Harry stole even more of everyone's attention by being in this tournament. Jazz was beyond angry. And to top it off Rita Skeeter made it out like Jazz never existed in the newspaper. It was horrible. Everyone was acting like Jazz wasn't there or wasn't even born. Jazz did but a potter stinks badge though. 
After the first wizarding task (that jJazz went to, to laugh at Harry), the yule ball was announced. Everyone was excited. Bree and George were going together. Sophia got asked to the ball by Fred. Hermione was going with Viktor Krum. Eileen said she was going with Abby but the whole dorm guessed otherwise and Jazz…… 

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