Chapter 1: Reunion

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Hey guys, Crimson here and welcome to Mischievous Assassin which is a entirely new version of Assassin and Prankster which like Capture Heart, it has and will have ton of improvements to the story and to the OC itself. Since the very first version of Assassin and Prankster, both Kai and Kaiya had the same personality of them been 100% playful at all times which is why the story gotten called Assassin and Prankster in the first place. When I remade her, she gotten a new name and personality as she became more serious, but still had that playfulness of teasing other. But now, I developed her personality more with the roleplays I sometimes do with Crusherboy93 which her personality has been worked on even more and it developed how serious she can be in certain situations. But her mischievous side of her has changed to the point I don't want to explain too much as it's a bit difficult to say, but I'll try to explain it the best as I can. So instead of Sayuri constant teasing Kayano as she suspects her for liking Nagisa, she'll instead tease her by talking about him to see her opinion of Nagisa. I also want to mention she won't suspect Kanzaki at all and would remain oblivious to it. That's all I'm saying without revealing too much. But anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the brand new Assassin and Prankster or should I say The Mischievous Assassin :)

Monday Morning

Third P.O.V

"Seriously... Why did they had to put the stupid E-Class on a stupid fucking mountain for?" A young beautiful girl had asked herself as she continued her way climbing up the mountain trail that lead to the Class-E building. "Damn... I'm already going to be late... and they seriously expect me to do this five times a week, going up and down a bloody mountain? I'm a young maiden for crying out loud, I shouldn't have to go though this level of abuse and it's all because of Asano's stupid friend." The girl told herself as she continued to complain while she climbed up the mountain.


Third P.O.V

After another failed morning assassination attempt on their teacher's life. Korosensei had told everyone to clean up the mess they had made while he when straight behind his desk and watched his student clean up the anti-sensei BBs. "While you all cleaning up the mess you made, I might as well tell you all about a special important announcement." Korosensei told his class while he had green stripes appearing on his face which meant he's feeling cocky. "A special announcement?... What kind of special announcement?" Isogai asked, wondering what the special announcement could be and his question caused Korosensei to laugh as it made him feel more cocky. "Well apparently, I was told that we'll be getting another student joining today, but she seems like she's running a little bit late. But it doesn't matter how many you are, you'll still won't be any close on defeating me and that fact won't change, even if the entire school tries to assassinate me." Korosensei told the class while both taunting them and laughing cockily.

"So wait, your saying that we'll be getting a new classmate and that it's going to be a girl this time?" Maehara replied out of curiosity to see if he heard Korosensei correctly and because of it, nearly all the girls sighed in annoyance as they knew that Maehara is most likely going to try to hit on her. "Seriously Maehara-kun? You've already taking a liking to her, even though she's not even here yet?" Kataoka scolded the womanizer, only for the classroom door to slide open which revealed an beautiful girl with long silver blondish hair who appears to be exhausted. "I'm sorry sensei... I know that I'm late and all.... But I just didn't expect climbing up here would be this exhausting..." The new student apologised as she was breathing heavily. But while she was panting for air, Nagisa's gaze was solely fixated on her as a long forgotten feeling from deep inside of him had resurfaced.

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