Chapter 5: Kyoto III Rewritten

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Karma P.O.V

Since the special entertainment that Sayuri had started back on the train, I started to wonder if the girls in our group, might actually be in love with Nagisa, everyone except for Okuda of course. ("It's clearly obvious that Kayano, Sayuri and Kanzaki, are all in love with Nagisa, with Kayano-san being the obvious one out of the three, and the one who commonly gets jealous. Sayuri-san on the other hand, is clearly the boldest out of the three, as she doesn't even hesitate on giving Nagisa affection, but she does seem to be interested on learning about Nagisa's love interest. Finally, Kanzaki-san is likely a possibility, as there's hardly any evidence to indicate that she is in love with him. However, thanks to Sayuri-san, there's now a hint that indicates that Kanzaki actually might have feelings for him. But I doubt Sayuri-san had noticed it yet, as she still believes that Kayano-san is the only girl in the class for loves Nagisa. But I'm actually surprised for how she'd reacted towards Asano's blackmail, as she'd assaulted him without care in the world... I wouldn't say she's brave when she done it,  but rather a retaliation for the blackmail.") I heavily thought as I continued walking with the rest of my group. However, I couldn't help but stare at Sayuri's back.

"Something the matter Karma-kun?" I heard Okuda asked me with that concerned attitude of hers, but she most likely noticed that I was deep in thought. "Oh it's nothing, I was just wondering about what Sayuri-san had said back at the train station, it kinda surprised me really. I replied back to her along with a smirk, to which caught everyone's attention and turned to face me, including Sayuri who's now looking at me clearly unamused from what I said. "And what exactly made you surprised by it Akabane?" Sayuri asked me in a unamused attitude, to which I was quite amused by it. "Well, it's just that you'd already knew that Asano-kun's father is actually the board chairmen of the school and yet, you still assaulted him anyway. That takes guts, especially for the girl who was at the top of her class, only to lose it all after she got placed in E-Class." I replied which resulted her glaring at me, most likely for what I said at the end. But Nagisa seemed to notice this, and gotten in front of her, likely so she doesn't burst in anger.

"Sayu-chan, please... Just ignore him. He's only trying to wind you up, and by doing so, you'll be giving him what he wants." Nagisa told her in attempt to stop her from lashing out at me, and I couldn't help but smirk because of it. "Alright fine... I'll try not let him get to me Nagi-chan." Sayuri replied in defeat, and you can certainly tell those two are close. "So wait. If Sayuri-san was at the top of her class, and that she used to be in Class-B, wouldn't that make her the top student of our class?" Sugino asked, and he seems to be rather scared upon asking and is likely because of how Sayuri had the number one spot back when she was still in Class-B. But it wouldn't matter what her past ranking was, she'll still be the top of our class. "She would, as even if Sayuri-san wasn't at the top of her class, she'll still take the number one spot of our class no matter what. But still, I'm actually surprised myself Sayuri-san, I wouldn't of expected someone like you, to be the at the top of Class-B." Kanzaki replied in response to Sugino's comment, and she's right. It wouldn't matter what her ranking was while she was still in Class-B, she'll still take the number one spot of our class.

"I guess the cat is of the bag huh?" Sayuri replied along with a embarrassed laughter. "Wait Sayuri-san, you were at the top of your class?" Nagisa asked her, as he's completely shocked to hear his girlfriend was at the top of her class and likely almost into Class-A. "Yeah, that's right. I was at the top of my class back when I was still in Class-B, even to the point my test scores could of gotten me placed into Class-A. But that's when stupid daddies boy intervened when he tried to blackmail me for hurting his bitch boy, and you know what happened next, as that got placed me with you guys." Sayuri explained, and I'm not sure if she's exaggerating about having test scores that could of gotten her into Class-A, but I doubt that's the case and instead is telling the truth, consider her being the top and all.

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