Chapter 2: Comfort

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At Lunch

Third P.O.V

"So Nagi-chan, what sort of a relationship do you have with Kayano-san?" Sayuri asked her childhood friend which ended up causing Nagisa to choke on her drink. "Are you alright Nagi-chan! "Sayuri ask him immediately after seeing choke on his drink. "I'm... I'm alright... Thanks for asking." Nagisa replied right after catching his breath. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you with that question... The only reason why I was asking, is because I'm wondering why you chose to style your hair the way it is, as I hardly doubt you would've even considered having it styled. However, considering that it's very similar to Kayano's hairstyle, there's no doubt in my mind that she's the one who did it for you. So I'm going to ask again, what's your relationship with her?" Sayuri apologised and explained her reason for why she had asked him in the first place which ended up causing Nagisa to sigh.

"Well, it's true that Kayano-san was the one who gave me this hairstyle which I'm very grateful to her for it, because if I can't have my hair cut short, then why not put it into pigtails and that's what she did. We'll not in a romantic relationship or anything, we'll just good friends to whom I'm close to, similar to you kinda." Nagisa replied to Sayuri's question which resulted her to giggle. "But you do like her though, right?" Sayuri teased Nagisa, causing him to blush. "Why are you... Why are you so interested on learning whether or not that I like her Sayu-chan? Nagisa replied softly, as even though the topic at hand is causing him to feel a little embarrassed, he didn't wanted to scold her for it.

"To be honest with you... I actually want to see how much you have grown over the years since the day we've been separated and that I kinda wanna hear what kind of girls that are your type now that we're in junior high." Sayuri explained her reason for the question she had asked him earlier. "Could we... Could we talk more about this for another time Sayu-chan? It's just that... It's just that a lot of stuff has happened over the years while you were away, and that it deeply affected me. So much so, that it's the main reason for how I'm in Class-E in the first place." Nagisa spoke softly as he looked away from her, due to the fact that he doesn't even know where to begin to tell her about what had happened between his parents. But, this caused Sayuri to notice Nagisa's sudden mood change and it caused her to regret telling him about how much she wants he'd had changed and it made her hug him tightly.

"I'm sorry Nagi-chan... I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you the time you needed me the most... If only I known you were going to Kunugigaoka Junior High, things would of been different as I'll comfort you like how I used and I know they wouldn't dare place you in Class-E." Sayuri spoke in a comforting tone while she kept her arms around Nagisa, hugging him gently. "It's alright and thank you Sayuri-san... Thank you for everything you've done for me and staying by my side. I really wish I could repay you somehow." Nagisa replied as he turned to face her, which he then hugged back in return. "No Nagi-chan, you don't have to repay me anything in return, as I'm like your big sister and I'll always love you, no matter what. However, if your still insisting on wanting to repay, how about you just tell me what sort of girls you find attractive." Sayuri told him which caused him to blush, along with a nervous laughter. "Thank you Sayuri, but to tell you the truth, I don't think I have a preference on what sort of girls I like, as it's something I've never really thought about before." Nagisa replied, but because of his answer towards Sayuri's question, it ended up causing her to smirk mischievously at him as she's now got a goal to find out Nagisa's preferences in woman.

"Everyone has a certain preference Nagi-chan, that includes you. So do you like girls with long hair, medium length, short? How about a girl's burst size? Do you like them big? Do you like them small? How about just average size? It's preferences like that boys are generally are into. It's preferences like that, that boys are generally are into. However, I can already tell that your completely different than those type of boys as boys like you aim for them as a person. Such as their personality got instance. For example, you might be into girls whoo have a similar personality to Kayano's, to mine, to Kataoka's or to anyone else in our class. So, I really hope you'll tell me Nagi-chan." Sayuri explained to him about preferences in a cheerful attitude along with a cheerful smile, causing him to blush due to that his childhood friend is trying to find both his preferences and see if they match to any of the girls in the class. "S-Sayu-chan!" Nagisa replied in response to what she had told him and is now clearly embarrassed from it all.

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