Chapter 9: Emotion

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Class-3E Building

Kanzaki P.O.V

("Ever since I'd became friends with Sayuri, I always thought to myself that I could easily look up to her, and maybe follow her sample as she's got such strong confidence for herself, and won't hesitate to stand up for herself to others. But, whenever I see her giving Nagisa such bold affection, I always seem to feel uneasy about, and I don't know if it's because I love Nagisa-kun, and that I'm just simply jealous of her. But could I even be like her? Be close to Nagisa, and show him how much I truly-") While I was in my thoughts and while approaching the classroom, I heard two familiar voices coming from the classroom, and it interrupted my thoughts while also stopping me in my tracks. ("Wait... is Sayuri alone with Nagisa?") After listening to the two voices and identifying them, it caused me to rush towards the classroom, and once I'd gotten to the classroom door. I couldn't bring myself to opening the classroom door. I want to know what they're relationship truly is, so I stayed behind the door to listen to them, even though I know it's wrong.

"Thank you Sayu-san, I'm truly glad that your finally back in my life again, and I want to say thank you for all the time's you've been there for me, as I pretty much relied on you back then. So to repay everything you've done for me, I want to treat you to a meal to make up for it, as I don't know what else I could offer you, but I do know how to cook, and I simply don't mind cooking for you." Once I'd heard what Nagisa had said to Sayuri, my eyes had widened, and my heart had sank, as there's no way I could possibly ask Nagisa out now, now that he's in love with her. "Huh?.. W-Wait... Wait just.... Wait just a minute... S-So... So your saying.... T-That.... That you want to c-cook.... S-Something... Aaaaah! God dammit Nagisa! Do you really realise how embarrassing I am right now?!" After hearing Sayuri's response towards Nagisa's offer, I couldn't believe how embarrassed Sayuri sounded, which made me believe that Sayuri is easily embarrassed by romantic situations when it's about her. ("Sayuri-san sure sounds embarrassed, but it's kinda ironic really. She loves teasing Kayano-san for liking.... Wait a minute, Sayuri teases both Kayano-san and Nagisa-kun for liking each other, but she's not once tried to tease me about it... Has she already forgotten that I love Nagisa-kun, or is it because doesn't believe that I do?") I thought, as I realised that she hasn't once tried to tease me for liking Nagisa.

"Look.... I know it sounds embarrassing Sayuri, I really do. But it's the only thing I could think of, as it's not like I can give you jewellery or anything like that, and I certainly can't make you anything other than cooking. That's why I decided that's how I'm going to repay you, so please accept my offer." After hearing Nagisa, it made me feel completely stupid, as I couldn't believe how much of a idiot I was for being jealous over Nagisa's bond with Sayuri, that I'd forgotten the reason why I fell in love with him in the first place. ("I'm such a idiot... How could I forget the very reason why I'd fallen in love with him in the first place? Nagisa-kun is such a kind person, and he always makes me feel comfortable whenever I'm around him. Not to mention, I always seem to get the feeling that he's probably the only person who would understand me. I believe that Sayuri-san hasn't considered that I like Nagisa-kun, because I don't interact with him like Kayano-san does. Because she wants to see how I interact with him to see whether or not I like him.") I thought, and after awhile of thinking, I manage not to feel jealous anymore, as I truly accepted Sayuri's affection which is playing just hugs and playfulness.

(Flashback end)

Haruka Residence

Sayuri P.O.V

After getting home and changed out of my uniform, I decided that to take I shower as I seriously felt like I needed one. But at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a little pissed off about Nagisa's mother. "Seriously....That fucking bitch seriously needs to be taught a fucking lesson, and I'll be happily to do it myself. Seriously though, she needs to learn that Nagisa is a boy, not some pretend daughter that she thinks she has." I said to myself while the water from the shower hits my bare body. "Also, does she really think that I'm the same little innocent Sayuri Haruka from back when I was younger? Tch, I wouldn't be surprised if she does." I continued to vent about Nagisa's mother about how much I hate her. "I've been through a lot in the past few years, mainly since I started junior high, as everyone in this fucking school is corrupt, disloyal, and are complete assholes. Well, everyone except Class-E of course..." I continue to vent my frustration, which I ended up staring at the shower head, causing the water to hit my face. "But at least Nagisa had made some great friends, and is well liked by the girls..." I said to myself, and I couldn't help but smile because of it.


After getting out of the show and drying myself off, I threw on my pyjamas and threw myself onto my bed which I then started to think about what Nagisa had told me earlier. "Nagisa sure sounded embarrassed when I'd told that there's actually girls that like guys like him. But I wouldn't be surprised that girls like Kataoka-san for instance wouldn't mind dating him. I already know for a fact that Kayano-san has feelings for him, and is simply playing dumb about it. Kanzaki-san is a mystery however, but I still wouldn't be surprised if she's in love with Nagisa. But still... I wonder if Nagisa still remembers that promise he'd made to me, that he'll make me his wife when we grew up..." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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