Chapter 4: Kyoto II Rewritten

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At the train station

Nagisa P.O.V

We're all at the train station, waiting for our train to take us to Kyoto. but I couldn't help but think about the events yesterday. ("Even though the argument I had with Sayuri is resolved. I'm still shaken from how Sayuri directed her anger at me, as it's something I've never experienced from her before. But it was all thanks to Kayano-san for calming her down and getting her to agree to let Karma join. But I wish Kayano could of took a different approach, rather than teasing her as it could of made things much worse. But in the end, I'm glad that everything got resolved, and Sayuri even apologised to me for the way she acted. So now I just have to keep the two separated or at very least, make sure Karma doesn't try to piss Sayuri off. "Hey look everyone, it's Nagisa-kun, and he's gotten himself a brand new hairstyle, and guess what? It literally makes him more girlier than before." Once I heard this comment made about me, I instantly recognised the voice, as it belongs to one of my former friends, back when I was still in class-D and his comment caused me to look down in shame.

"Shut the hell up you Class-D scum! You have no right to make fun of Nagisa and besides, his new hairstyle actually makes him even more cuter than ever, and he's even adored by almost all the girls of Class-E. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if half of them are in love with him, something you wouldn't have in ten life times." Sayuri replied in response to my former classmate's comment that he made about me. But when Sayuri defended me, I wasn't even embarrassed by it, even though I should've been and I have no idea why? "Scum? Your seriously literally calling us scum? Listen you Class-E whore! We're far superior than your class in every way. So you have no fucking right to call any of us scum when your nothing but a Class-E bitch!" I instantly turned pale once I heard my former classmate insult brutally and the types of insults you shouldn't call a girl. But seriously, are we really having it here of all places?

"Of course your superior... superior at being filth that is. Afterall, you said it yourself, your superior in every way, and that means that Class-D is superior at being whores and bitches than Class-E, isn't that right? However, if you still insist that your superior than me, then you have no idea who I am, as I'm Haruka Sayuri, former member of Class-B until recently, all thanks to daddy's boy Asano and his bitch boy friend Ren Sakakibara from Class-A. Afterall, the only reason why I got placed in E-Class is because Sakakibara-kun was harassing me and wouldn't leave me alone, so I decided to kick him where it hurts. But then comes daddy's boy Asano, to which he decided to make attempt to blackmail me, but I hasn't having any of it. So I decided to give him a blackeye and I guess he must of went crying back to his daddy like a bitch he is and that's how I got place into Class-E. So really, my grades are far superior than Class-D and C. So, if you want me to put you in a hospital, go ahead and continue, as I'm not scared of you." Sayuri replied with that smug smile of hers, but what she said caused my eyes to widen as it quite brutal for how she spoke to him. But didn't really know the reason or why Sayuri got placed into Class-E, but she stood up against Principal Asano's son and wasn't even scared of him.

"Oh wait, I remember who you are now. Your that ice queen that used to be in Class-B, and I'd always heard that you'd lash out at anyone who calls you it. But hey, at least you don't have to worry about being called one, as you've been demoted from Ice Queen of Class-B to Ice Queen of Class-E. So I hope you'll enjoy your new nickname Ice Queen." Once I heard that comment made by my former classmate, I instantly turned even more pale, as I've seen how Sayuri reacts to it whenever someone calls her one and I knew there's no stopping her now due to her rage.

"See? It's people like you is the reason why I decided to isolate myself in this stupid school in the first place. Everyone in this stupid school and even the teachers make fun of Class-E. Why bother wasting your breath on the lowest class in the school, when our school is superior than other junior high schools? Certainly all the class's would be better than them, right? But no, your idiotic brain cannot even see that, as your blinded by your own ignorance and arrogance, to the point you don't understand what loyalty stands for. Afterall, all what the whole school cares about, is the hierarchy of classes and only Class-E knows what loyalty truly stands for. So good luck trying to find someone who you can love, when they have no true loyalty towards you." Sayuri explained in response to the mockery from Class-D. But I'm surprised that she didn't try to kill him, but I now learned how Sayuri truly felt about this school, so maybe falling into Class-E was good for her.

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