Chapter 6: Favouritism (Rewritten )

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The Girls Dorm

Sayuri P.O.V

After spending the past few days in Kyoto, it's now our final night, and Nakamura suggested to everyone that we start talking about the boys of our class as it's the perfect moment to do so, and I have to agree with her "Seriously, why would we ever want to talk about the boys, have you even seen what they're like when we're not around?" Kataoka protested against the idea of talking about them, and I don't really blame her to be honest, as some of the boys are perverted after all. "Come on Kataoka-san, don't be a killjoy. Besides, moments like these are the best way to learn more about each other, and the best way to start it, is to talk about the boys of our class, as who knows, somebody maybe crushing on someone. So I promise you that it'll be fun." I told Kataoka with smile and which of course, caused her to sigh in defeat. "Alright fine, I guess I don't really have a choice, do I?" Kataoka replied as she'd sat down, but for some reason, I'm getting the feeling it's a excuse to actual join, as she simply couldn't ignore us. "Okay, so I'll start it. I think Karma-kun has to be the hottest guy out of all the boys, but I don't think I could tolerate his personality though." Yada stated, and everyone agreed, except for me of course. "Ugh... Akabane-kun as number one for good looks? Ew, no thanks..." I replied in disgust, as I refuse to have Karma in first place for hotness or even handsome for that matter as he's nowhere hot.

"Oh that's right, you don't like Karma-kun, do you Sayuri-san. So, let me guess which of the boys who you think should be in first place then, and by that, we all know you want Nagisa-kun to be first, isn't that right?" Yada asked while smiling mischievously, but her attempt at teasing me won't work against me. "Honestly, I don't care who takes first place, I'd already stated my opinion. Although, I wouldn't mind seeing Nagi-chan to be in first place for being the cutest boy of the class, as it's a fact." I replied in response to Yada's teasing, and it caused a couple of the girls to giggle at my response. "I will admit though, Nagisa-kun already deserves to be in the number one spot for his cuteness, and his innocence, as has Nagisa-kun even acted perverted before?" Nakamura commented, and it caused me to giggle, as Nagisa's innocence is one of his qualities that makes him cute.

Nagisa-kun is pretty much unlike the other guys, and I don't mean that about his body, but his personality. I can't even see Nagisa-kun doing something that's perverted, as he always treats us girls with respect. But he can be pretty oblivious at times and honestly, I think it's the reason why he hasn't tried hit on anyone. So I guess I have to agree with you there that he's innocent." Kataoka explained which caused nearly everyone to laugh at her response, and a few of us even began smirking at her mischievously. "What? Why are you all smirking at me like that?" Kataoka asked us confusedly, which means that she hasn't got a clue, to what she'd had just admitted to. "Oh it's nothing really Kataoka-san, really. It's just that our class representative had said something really interesting, isn't that right girls?" Nakamura replied while smiling mischievously and it only took a few seconds for Kataoka to realise what Nakamura was referring to, and it caused her to blush. "NO! It's not like that! I only meant that Nagisa-kun isn't like the other guys, I never said I was interested in him or anything!" Kataoka replied in sheer embarrassment, and I couldn't help myself but laugh because of it.

"Say Sayuri-san, considering that it's only us girls and that we'll be talking about the boys we like. How about you tell us more about your relationship with Nagisa-kun, as you've known him since elementary. So could you please, as I've known Muramatsu-kun since elementary, and I'm willing to talk about what he was like back then." Yada asked politely, and she'd even placed her hands together in a polite gesture, but I guess it hurt to tell them. "Alright sure, you girls already know that I'm Nagisa's childhood friend. But what you may not know is that I'm like a older sister to him or at least that's what I tell him. However, have any of you noticed how he doesn't mind the affection that I give him such as random hugs to the point it almost seems like we're a couple?" I explained while also asking the others a question about how Nagisa doesn't mind the affection I give. "Now that you mention it, he doesn't seem to be embarrassed by it at all, and I'm willing to bet he would if any of us started doing it to him. But considering that I myself have a little brother, I can certainly tell that you deeply care about Nagisa's well being, considering the affect iv'e seen you give him and the amount of teasing is pretty much what a older sister would do to her younger brother." Yada replied while giggling, and I didn't know that Yada actually had a brother.

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