Chapter 8: Treating your Childhood Friend

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Sayuri P.O.V

"Thank you Sayu-san, I'm really glad to have you back in my life again, and I want to say  thank you again for everything you've done for me, as I pretty much do owe you for the times I relied on you. So to make up for it, how about I'll treat you to a meal later on, as I pretty much know how to cook, and I pretty much don't mind cooking for you, if it means I could repay my dept to you." After hearing what Nagisa had just said to me I instantly became super embarrassed from it all, to the point I don't think anybody has even caused me to feel this embarrassed before. "W-Wait... Wait just a minute... S-So.... So your saying that....  that you want to... c-cook up a meal... f-for me later on?" I asked him in response from what he suggested. But because I was super embarrassed, I couldn't stop stuttering, and I couldn't believe how embarrass Nagisa had made me.

"Look, I know it sounds embarrassing and all Sayuri, as even I'm quite embarrassed about it myself, and I was the one who suggested it in the first place. But what I suggested is actually how I want to repay you, as even if I were to tell you about my opinion of all the girls of our class, I wouldn't be satisfied by it, and would want to repay by giving you something else that's far better. That's why I want to cook you something later on, as I taught myself how to cook, and I could easily cook us both dinner whenever you want. So please accept my offer, as it's the only thing I could think of as for right now." Nagisa explained for the reason why he'd suggested that he wanted to cook me dinner, and after hearing it all of it, I finally calmed down, but was blushing from it.

"Alright... I'll come to yours later, and you can cook me something then. Just.... Just don't tell anyone about this, as they'll think we're going out on a date otherwise." I told him as I turned away from him out of embarrassment, as if anyone were to find out about this, they'll definitely get the wrong idea. "You don't have to worry about it Sayu-chan, as I wasn't planning on telling anyone, nor did I have any intention to tell them anything anyway. Besides, I want it to be just us alone, so that we can get closer to one another, and I just don't want anyone getting in the way of that. So please, lets not talk about it here, as I don't want anyone to hear us, especially the girls." Nagisa replied to which I have to agree, as who knows who might be eavesdropping, and it'll be extremely bad if it were to be Kayano. 

Outside of the Classroom

Third P.O.V

While both Sayuri and Nagisa were having their private conversation. Outside of the classroom, Kanzaki was there by the door eavesdropping on her two classmates after she'd overheard Nagisa's offer to Sayuri, and wanted to know what exactly is going on between them. ("What's wrong with me, and why am I even doing this? I know it's wrong to eavesdrop on people, especially your friends, so why am I so interested about Nagisa-kun cooking a meal for Sayuri-san?") Kanzaki thought as she continued to listening in what her two friends are talking about, completely unaware that she's blushing. ("I see.... I didn't misheard him... He's truly going to take Sayuri-san to house, so that he could cook for her, so that he could repay everything she's done for him... But why am I so bothered by this, and what is this feeling I'm feeling?") Kanzaki told herself as she felt saddened from what she'd heart, and her heart began to ache from it as well.

Nagisa's House

Sayuri P.O.V

While I was walking with Nagisa and arriving at his house, I noticed that he was still living in the very same house back when we were younger, and I felt pain because of it, because it meant I could of visited him at anytime I wanted. But I chose not to in case he might of moved away, and that I might be knocking on some random stranger's door. "So do you still like eating Chirashizushi? Because if you want, I could make that for the both of us?" Nagisa asked to which I couldn't help but giggle, as he still remembers one of my favourite dishes back when I was younger. "Sure thing Nagisa-sama, I would love to try out your special chirashizushi, as I cannot wait to try out what my precious Nagi-chan's cooking taste like." I replied back to him while also teasing him which cause him to laugh a little.  "You make it sound like I'm a really good cook or something there Sayuri." Nagisa replied back to me while he'd gotten the ingredients ready. "Well, that's because it's guys like you, who girls love the most Nagi-chan. However, for me, I'm actually still embarrassed that your doing this for me, so thanks again." I replied back back to him with a warm smile, but I'm still finding Nagisa cooking for me a little embarrassing.

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