Chapter 3: Kyoto I (Rewritten)

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Sayuri P.O.V

Everyone's preparing for the school trip to Kyoto to which the Japanese government saw this as a opportunity to assassinate Korosensei, as it would mean that while he's distracted by all the sights that Kyoto has to offer, they could orchestrate plans to assassinate him. "So Nagi-sama, have you decided who's going to be in our wonderful group yet?" I asked my childhood friend while also teasing him with the sama honorific. However, this only caused him to look up at from his notes and gave me a clueless expression, like as if he has no idea what I'm talking about. "What do you mean, what group?" Nagisa replied utterly confusedly which only meant one thing... He completely forgotten all about it.  "Please don't tell me that you've forgotten something as big as this Nagi-chan." I replied along with a sigh as how can someone like Nagisa forget something so important?

"Wait Nagisa-kun, you've forgotten? We'll be going to Kyoto tomorrow and that you've been selected to be one of the groups leaders to which you have to enlist who's going to be in your group and once your finished. You need come find to either me or Isogai-kun and tell us that finish." Kataoka explained to him calmly all about the trip to Kyoto and what he has to do. But most of all, she explained it to him with a such kind attitude along with with a wonderful smile. ("Kataoka-san is so amazing and a kind person, it's no wonder why she'd gotten selected to be the class rep.") I thought as I couldn't stop admiring how great Kataoka is.

"Sorry for causing you Kataoka-san, and thank you for reminding me. It's just that... There's been a lot on my mind lately and I guess I just kinda forgotten all about it." Nagisa explained while also thanking Kataoka for refreshing his memory. But I probably have a roughly good idea what could be bothering him. "Don't worry about it Nagisa-kun, your not causing me any trouble at all and besides, we all go through trouble every once and a while, and that can make us forget. So don't blame yourself for it." Kataoka comforted him with a comforting smile and attitude, to the point I wouldn't mind seeing her dating Nagisa as she's just that amazing. "Yeah, like Kataoka-san, don't blame yourself for forgetting all about the trip, as it isn't your fault as we all go through trouble at times. But anyway, as for the group, I'd already invited Kayano-san as I knew that you'll be inviting her anyway, so you just need to invite who else you want in the group." I told him in a comforting attitude and smile.

"Thank you, the both of you, it really means a lot to hear you say that." Nagisa thanked both me and Kataoka for comforting him about how he's going through trouble lately. "No problem Nagisa-kun, I'm always here if you want somebody to talk to, so please don't hesitate. But you could always go to Sayuri-san as well, as your closer to her more than anyone. But anyway, I got to help the others and Isogai for tomorrow, so please remember come find me when your done setting up your group okay?" Kataoka replied, to which she walked of to help the rest of the class, but after witnessing her comforting Nagisa, she's even more amazing than ever.

"Hey you guys, I went over to Okuda-san to asked her if she wanted to join our group, and she said that she'll happily join us. Kayano told us as she came out of nowhere while holding on Okuda's hand. "T-That's right... I want to be part of your group Nagisa-kun." Okuda replied shyly in response to Kayano's statement. "That's great to hear Kayano-san, now our group has three girls and only one Nagisa. So Nagisa-sama, how many girls do you intend on joining us in your haram?" I replied to Kayano and then teased Nagisa about how many girls there are in the group as he has yet to invite anyone.

"Could you please not say it like that, it's embarrassing." Nagisa spoke softly, and I could see him blushing in response to my teasing, but it also seems like I'd embarrassed both Kayano and Okuda, as they're blushing as well. "Forgive me if I'm interrupting anything you guys, but do you mind having me in your group as well? I would really love to join and have fun with you guys." The dark haired girl who I have yet to know, came up to us and asked us politely if she could join the group. But I have to say, she's got to be the most attractive girl in the class and she's quite beautiful to be honest, and it'll make her the fourth girl if Nagisa allows her to join.  "S-Sure you can Kanzaki-san... we be happy to have you in the group." Nagisa replied to her as he'd accepted having her in the group, but I noticed that his cheeks are a rosery red, and it made unamused by it.

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