Chapter 7: Rekindle

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Nagisa P.O.V

("It's been a couple of days since Sayuri had joined us, and it seems like she's gotten along with everyone pretty well, mainly the girls of course and strangely, she managed to get along with Karma, but she only tolerates him which is better than nothing. However, she's annoyed that I'm always the one who volunteers to set up the classroom every morning and because of this, she decided to tag along.") I thought while I climbed up the mountain trail with Sayuri and I could tell she isn't a morning person. "I don't see why you would choose to do this every morning Nagi-chan, when nobody appreciates you doing it." Sayuri complained, and I could tell she's concerned about me, because she feels like it's cruel that nobody chooses to help me and that I shouldn't be responsible for setting up the classroom. 

"Because I simply don't mind doing it Sayuri, but I can see where your coming from as it does get kinda lonely being in the classroom with nobody to talk to. But, at least I now have you with me, and in my opinion, that's even better than having someone else helping me setting up the classroom." I replied back to her with a smile as I continued my way up the mountain. However, I didn't realise my comment made Sayuri embarrassed until she threw her bag at the back of my head, causing me to fall to the ground. "DON'T SAY STUPID CRAP LIKE THAT!!!" Sayuri shrieked after she'd thrown her bag at the back of my head, and when I turned around to face her, I noticed her cheeks were a deep red.

Sayuri P.O.V

After hearing what Nagisa had said, I ended up throwing my bag at him as hard as I could, for saying something so embarrassing. "Sorry Sayu-san... I didn't mean to embarrass you like that, but it's the truth. I'd rather have you with me, as I know you would try to force the others to do this instead. But either way, your here now, choosing to help me instead and I'm grateful for that and I hope you continue to help me out." Nagisa apologised while also showing his gratitude along with the cute smile of his. "Well... I can't simply let you do this all by yourself, not when you've been doing this since before the moon got destroyed. So I'll gladly come along and help you out as it's my responsibility as your big sister to look after you." I replied back to him with a smile, and I'm really glad that he said that, as it's even making feel warm inside. "Thank you Sayu-san, I promise I'll make it up to you later." Nagisa replied along with a small laugh and I walked up to him and I grabbed his hand to help him up. "If your offering to make it up to me, then how about you treat me later with some desert like a slice of strawberry cake?" I suggested I've always loved eating strawberry cake, ever since I was little. "I should of figured that you would asked for strawberry cake. After all, it was your favourite dessert back when we were younger. So sure, I'll treat you with your favourite dessert then." Nagisa replied back to me along with that cute smile of his and I just hugged him. "Alright then, now it's time to get to work!" I told him and we made our way to the classroom.


After finishing up setting up the classroom, I decided to sit at Kayano's desk for obvious reasons, but also so that I could talk to Nagisa about stuff that's personal. "Damn I'm beat... seriously though, I don't understand how your not tired from doing this all the time." I complained as we had to brush up the entire classroom, whether it was clean or not. Making sure everyone's desk and chairs are perfectly lined. But most of all, making sure nothing else is out of place. "I'm sorry for making you do all of this with me Sayu-san, but you just kept refusing to let me do this alone. So, I'm sorry that I seemed a little bossy..." Nagisa apologised while giving me a nervous laugh, but when I saw him itch his cheek, I smirked and decided to tease him by poking his cheek instead. "Like as if you could boss me around Nagi-chan and like I already mentioned, I can't simply let you do this all by yourself, not even if you payed me." I told him while smiling smugly to him as I continued to poke his cheek.

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