Start of something

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Tears took the two bitties to the house. He introduced them to Ultra and they were a bit unsure of each other, but seemed to get along. "Hmm, you two need names... You will be Null and you will be Void." Decided Tears when the two had said they didn't have names. "Yay! I love it!" Said Null, the corny bitty. "You seem to attract lamia bitties." Commented Code. Tears just rolled his eyes.

It was a month later, Tears was in town to pick up some things for Ultra, Null, and Void. Then he noticed a black and white bitty on the street. He was startled by how limp it looked. He rushed over and saw it was a Kraits(Lamia Gaster Bitty). He saw the bitty was missing several scales and seemed to be covered in burns. He carefully scooped up the bitty and, after checking no one was around, teleported back to the house.

"Tears!" Yelped Brush who had been startled by Tears teleporting in. "I found a bitty and they're hurt." Said Tears showing the wounded bitty. They tried to do their best, but none of them were proficient enough in healing magic. "I'm going to call someone." Said Tears. "Who?" Asked Code. "An old friend who is a lot better at healing than me." Said Tears. He pulled out his phone and made a call.

A couple minutes later, a glitching purple portal opened. A female skeleton with purple ecto hair walked through. Tears walked over and led her to the bitty. "This is pretty bad, I'll try my best to heal it though." She said. "Tears, who's this?" Asked Brush. "This is Pixel. She works as a antivirus for the multiverse." Explained Tears. "That's more part time. I only have to do that when there's a virus or bad glitch and that doesn't happen that frequently." Said Pixel. She began working her magic on the Krait bitty. The burns healed, but they were still missing patches of scales. "There's nothing I can do about the scales. I'm not the best at this, but they should be okay. They might not wake up for a while, though." Said Pixel. "Wow! You seem really good at this!" Said Brush. Pixel blushed faintly and said, "It's really not that much. I can heal, but I'm nowhere near as good as a trained healer or a Torial." "Don't sell yourself short, I've seen you fix up the gang before." Said Tears.

The Krait bitty woke up and they learned that the center he was from had burned down. He took a liking to Pixel. She named him Puppet, saying his pattern made her think of the puppet from FNaF. This led to a small debate over whether it was called puppet or marionette.

"You know, Tears, you seem to have a talent for finding and caring for lamia bitties." Said Code. "I guess." Said Tears. "Hey, maybe you could run a rescue or something!" Said Brush. "I could get it set up." Said Pixel. "Sure," said Tears, not fully paying attention. They honestly hadn't been that serious.

Two weeks later, Brush and Pixel had set up a lamia bitty rescue location. "How did you get this ready so fast?!" Exclaimed Tears. "It was an old warehouse no one wanted. Plus, I got some supplies from other AUs." Said Pixel. "I hadn't been serious." Said Tears. "To bad." Said Brush. They decided on the name Multiscales for the rescue. There was a couple of spare apartments upstairs that Tears and Pixel ended up moving into. Tears adopted Ultra, Null, and Void as his personal bitties and Pixel adopted Puppet as her personal bitty.

A/N: the rescue is now beginning to be established. Also, here's a picture of a Krait, corny, and papyton bitty, art not mine:

 Also, here's a picture of a Krait, corny, and papyton bitty, art not mine:

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The Destroyer runs a lamia bitty rescueWhere stories live. Discover now