Horror & Gummydrop (Bad Sans 1/5)

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Horror began working on filling the bitties food and water. As he walked around, he saw several lamia bitties. He saw a swap sans and papyrus, a fell gaster, a swap ink, and a Maniatale sans. He saw several colors and interesting bitties. As he walked over to feed the recovering bitties, he caught sight of one with a clipboard by the cage.

Name: Gummydrop
Species: Candytale Sans Lamia Bitty
Diagnosis: Underweight
Bio: Recovered from a raid on an illegal trafficking operation, they were starved for several years, causing them to be severely underweight.
Notes: special feeding requirements, aggressive, minor venom, has never spoken since coming to us

There was some more on what to feed them. Horror peered into the cage and saw a pink and green lamia. Horror prepared Gummydrop's special food. He carefully worked so he wouldn't get bit and left the food in the cage before moving on.

Horror came back to Gummydrop's cage again. He remembered that Gummydrop had to be fed small portions more frequently than others. As he put the food in, Gummydrop watched him. Then, Horror continued on.

Horror continued to visit Gummydrop whenever he came to the rescue. He knew what it was like to starve and hated that the bitty had been starved. As he put the food in one day, Gummydrop came a bit closer. Slowly, Gummydrop came closer each visit. He had begun to be able to hold the bitty.

He noticed Sunrise and Cinnamon in front of Gummydrop's cage. "What's going on?" Horror asked. "Gummydrop is about ready for adoption, but his temperament, venom, and lingering health issues are a concern." Said Cinnamon. "What he's trying to say is that Gummydrop is being considered to become a lifer." Explained Sunrise. "Maybe... I could adopt him?" Asked Horror. He showed them his ability to hold Gummydrop and they decided they would talk it over with him, Nightmare, and some of the staff.

Horror was happy and had gotten all the stuff needed for Gummydrop's area. "What do you think Gummy?" Asked Horror. Gummydrop nods. Horror knows Gummydrop is uncomfortable speaking and mostly nods or shakes their head. "It's nice..." the voice is a barely audible whisper, but Horror hears and smiles.

Horror continued volunteering and Gummydrop would be seen looking out from inside the home in his skull as he worked feeding the other bitties.

(One of the bad sanses now has a bitty, Dust, Killer, Cross, and Nightmare will follow.)

The Destroyer runs a lamia bitty rescueWhere stories live. Discover now