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In the dimly lit corridors of the underworld, where alliances are forged in the crucible of power and influence, I, Matthew Willson, stand as the heir to a legacy written in shadows and blood. My father, the puppeteer of the clandestine operations that shape our world, is a formidable figure in the realm of organized crime. The Willson name commands both fear and respect.

The Willson family, with its roots entangled in the web of crime, has etched its name in the annals of notoriety. From illicit dealings to covert operations, our empire spans territories, and our influence extends like tendrils into the highest echelons of power. I was born into a life where allegiance is sworn in blood, and loyalty is the currency of survival.

But with power comes the inevitable clash, and our enemies bear the name Kirigun. The Kiriguns, led by the formidable Tharn and his son, Gulf, are our family's archenemies. What began as a rivalry for territory has evolved into a vendetta that transcends generations. The Kiriguns are not just adversaries; they are the ever-present specters that haunt the shadows we inhabit.

Our war extends beyond street corners and alleyways. It permeates the boardrooms, where legitimate enterprises serve as battlegrounds. The Kiriguns, particularly Tharn and Gulf Kirigun, are our counterparts in the legitimate world, creating a rivalry that blurs the lines between legality and lawlessness.

As the son of the mafia boss, I am being forged in the crucible of this legacy. Every move, every decision is a step toward inheriting a kingdom of shadows. The world I navigate is treacherous, filled with the allure of power and the ever-present danger that looms in the shadows. Loyalty is a currency, and betrayal can be a deadly gamble.

My journey is an intricate dance between the allure of power, the shadows of our family's history, and the enigmatic figures that populate our world. In a realm where allegiances are fragile, and the line between friend and foe is razor-thin, I am Matthew Willson, heir to shadows, navigating a world where survival demands more than just cunning; it demands a mastery of shadows and secrets.

I'm currently in the VIP section of one of our bar branches. I'm annoyed because the Kiriguns got another project that I wanted. My dad is furious with me because of this. I want to hurt them. Some of my mens experienced it earlier because I want to kidnap Tharn's son but it's always the wrong timing. They've been targeted several times, but they're lucky because they're too careful moving.

"Boss, that's enough. You're already drunk," my assistant Tul says.

"Shut up! Will you?" I throw the glass I'm holding near him. I see how scared he is, so he leaves. He's my most loyal assistant and friend. We used to be fuck buddies, but that's as far as it goes. We don't have feelings for each other. And I have no intention of getting married. Enough, I'm the last person who will handle this hellish organization. Even if my dad brings women or men from prominent families to me, I refuse. Some I even kill when they insist or sometimes tempt me for sex, and they become too attached. I'm a terrible person, right? That's the kind of person I am. I have no heart. That's why everyone is afraid of me. Except for our mortal enemies, the Kiriguns.

"FUCK!" I angrily throw another bottle of wine against the wall. I'm furious. Because of them, my life has become miserable.

I've had enough to drink, so I decided to stop. I checked my wristwatch, and it was past three in the morning. As I exited the VIP room, there were still many people. Some were high from using illegal drugs. People were kissing, having sex on the side, oblivious to their surroundings. I just shook my head. Everything was wild due to the influence of alcohol and drugs. However, my attention was caught by a person sitting alone at a table. He was fair-skinned, and from his appearance, it was clear he came from a wealthy family. His two arms were on the table, and his head was resting on them. He seemed flushed. I didn't notice i was already in front of him.

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