Chapter 12

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In the boardroom of Diamond, tension thickened as the members expressed their frustration over the significant financial loss due to the relentless actions of Kirigun's rivals. The atmosphere was charged with heated discussions and blame-shifting.
However, amidst the chaos, Matthew Kirigun remained silent, an air of calm composure surrounding him. Unfazed by the accusations and the million-dollar setback, he leaned back in his chair, seemingly indifferent to the commotion. The board members exchanged uneasy glances, expecting a reaction from Matthew, but he maintained his stoic demeanor.

"Dark, we can't ignore the fact that our rivals are gaining ground. Our profits are taking a hit." Matthew Remains silent, studying the faces in the room.

"We need a decisive strategy, and we need it now. This loss is too significant to overlook." The old man said. Matthew Leans forward, interlocking his fingers.

"Let them enjoy this moment. We'll turn the tables when the time is right." Matthew said.

"But Matthew, we're talking about a substantial financial setback. It's not a time for complacency." Matthew Looks directly at Board Member.

"It's not complacency; it's patience. We have the resources to recover." He said.

"Are you suggesting we don't take immediate action?"
Matthew Leans back. "I'm suggesting we play the long game. Sometimes, a momentary setback is a setup for a greater comeback."

"We need a plan, Matthew. We can't afford to lose ground." Matthew Smirks.

"Losing ground? You think this affects us? Let them believe they've won; we'll see who has the last laugh."

"But the stakeholders..." But Matthew Interrupts.

"Will be pleased when they see the results of our strategic patience. Trust me, this battle is far from over."

"Matthew, I can't help but feel some suspicion. Are you aligning yourself with Kirigun? Are you betraying us?" Matthew Raises an eyebrow.

"Betraying? No, I'm safeguarding the interests of Diamond."

"You've been too quiet about Kirigun's actions lately. It's making us question where your loyalty lies." Matthew Leans forward.

"My loyalty lies with Diamond, always has been. But I won't engage in petty battles. I'm focused on the bigger picture."

"Matthew, actions speak louder than words. Your association with Kirigun... it's not going unnoticed." But Matthew Smiles.

"Association? I'm merely playing the game strategically. You might want to learn from it instead of casting doubt."

"We're losing profits, and you seem indifferent. Explain yourself." Matthew Maintains composure.

"I'm indifferent to short-term losses for the sake of long-term gains. Trust me, this is part of a more comprehensive plan."

"It better be, Matthew. We're all watching, and Diamond can't afford any missteps." Matthew Nods.

"You'll see the results soon enough. I've always had Diamond's best interests at heart.."

"We hope you're right, Matthew. We can't afford to keep losing ground to Kirigun."

"Trust me, I'm working on a strategy to turn the tables. Sometimes, it's about patience and timing."

"Well, we need to see results soon. Our investors are getting anxious." Matthew Confident.

"Results will come, and when they do, Diamond will come out stronger than ever. I suggest we focus on the upcoming initiatives instead of dwelling on the setbacks."

"We're holding you accountable, Matthew. Don't let us down."

"I won't. Just give me the space to execute the plan. In the end, Diamond's success will speak for itself."

The tension lingers as the board members exchange glances, still uncertain about Matthew's intentions.

Matthew's POV:

As the board meeting concludes, a heavy silence hangs in the air. The suspicions of some board members linger, and I can feel their eyes on me. The weight of their doubts is nothing compared to the burden I carry with the secrets I hold. Walking out of the meeting room, I can't shake off the feeling that I'm walking on a tightrope, balancing between the expectations of Diamond and the undercover dealings with the Kirigun organization. The million-dollar loss is just a fraction of the bigger game, a game where the stakes are high, and the pieces are in constant motion.

I glance at my phone, contemplating whether to check in on Steph. The separation gnaws at me, but he insisted on staying back at the mansion. Protecting him and our unborn child is my top priority, even if it means enduring the suspicion and mistrust of those around me.

The board may question my loyalty, but my allegiance is clear – it lies with securing a safe future for Steph and our child. As I navigate through the corporate maze, I can't afford to let emotions cloud my judgment. The Kirigun legacy and the impending threats demand a strategic mind, and I intend to play my part.

The game is far from over, and I must remain vigilant. Every move I make has consequences, not only for Diamond but for the new life growing within Steph. It's a delicate dance, and I can only hope that when the music stops, we'll emerge unscathed on the other side.

I chose not to text or call Steph because I'm here at Diamond. I avoid hacking into Steph's system, but knowing her, she won't let that happen, especially considering his abilities in technology.

But I can't sit still. It's been three days, but I can't reach him. I went home for safety, but still, I can't contact him. Even my men can't hack into his system.

'Are you playing with me, Steph?!' I muttered in frustration to myself. I dialed her several times, but I couldn't reach the number I saw from my hacker. Unable to control my anger, I threw my phone, shouting in frustration.
'You can't do this to me, Stephanie Kirigun. You can't keep my child away from me.
'I rushed to the mansion to confront her. Come what may, I won't let them hide Steph from me. I quickly drove, passing through a secluded part of the road when suddenly a van blocked my way. It pointed a silenced gun at me. I punched the steering wheel. 'Fuck! Not now!' I shouted. I panicked even more, realizing I had no weapons inside my car. So, I had no choice but to get out, knocking on the window of my car. I quickly raised both of my hands, but the person approached, avoiding my attempt to hold their hand, and they punched me. I couldn't fight back as they suddenly kicked my head, and I weakened. Until I felt drowsy.

Two men entered and mercilessly attacked my stomach. I couldn't fight back because I was tied up. I felt weak, closing my eyes while they continued to punch me.

"Stop that!" I was sprawled on the floor. I could taste my own blood. Finally, the two men stopped and repositioned the chair I was bound to. I was panting heavily, and my body ached. I looked at the person responsible for the voice.

"Did you enjoy my greetings? I know it's basic for you, Matthew."

"Where's Steph!" He approached me and delivered a forceful punch to my face. I fell, and his men quickly helped me up.

"How dare you use my grandchild for your despicable actions!" He yelled. He punched me again, grabbing my neck tightly. "You'll never touch my family for as long as I live, Matthew. And you won't see Steph and your child again, because you won't get out of here alive!" I struggled to breathe. "They're both unlucky for knowing someone like you!" He released me and punched me again. I fell once more, and his men helped me up, then he left the room. I'd prefer to be beaten and lose all my wealth than not see Steph and our child. I'd rather die.

I woke up as cold water was poured on me. My entire body was in pain, and I could feel the sting and numbness from my wounds.

"Did you sleep well?" Tharn said. He was with Bright and Zee. He raised his hand, and they quickly left. He took a chair and sat in front of me.

"Oh, it's early, but you're already looking at me with such hostility." He laughed.

"I want to see Steph." I asked weakly.

"He's in the States with his mom. He woke up finally and realized it was wrong for both of you to be together." We locked eyes, and he grinned, gripping my jaw tightly. "Don't worry, my grandchild has moved on and is happy now even without you. What a waste. You have everything I want for my grandchild if you weren't Zeus's child."

"Let me go!" I shouted. He laughed. "Do you think I'll pity you just because you're crying?" He said.

"I know all your plans, you and your dad's. If not to bring me down, why? Because he's jealous of what I have right now. He's my friend back then, but What did he do? He grew old and swallowed his anger. I'm not Tharn Kirigun with nothing. I know you're using Steph to get back at me. Aren't you?"

"No! I can't do that to him. I love your Steph. I can prove it to you. I orchestrated the death of his ex because she was a Diamond member who wanted to destroy him and all of you." I screamed.

"And you replaced him? Steph might be blinded because he found answers to his long-standing questions in you, but that doesn't mean I support you. You've tried to endanger my family multiple times. I thought you were different from your father, but you're just the same!" I shouted.

"Please, Sir! No matter how much you beat me, I won't fight back, but don't take Steph away from me. I love him so much." I sobbed. "I'll do whatever you want, please." He punched me again and left the room.

The days pass slowly for Matthew, enduring physical and mental torment. Tharn's twisted plan unfolds, manipulating Matthew into a position of helplessness. Each passing moment without news of Steph adds to his agony.

Matthew woke up as the door opened, but he ignored it. "M-Matthew!" He looked up, recognizing the voice. "Oh my god!"

"Steph? Love?" Matthew said, tears welling up as he confirmed it was indeed Steph.

"It's me," she said, holding his face with both hands. She was crying too.

"Dada! What did you do to her? You said you'd just talk to her. Why did you hurt her?" Steph cried to Tharn.

"Shh... It's okay. I deserve this. It's nothing compared to what I've done to your family," Matthew said with a bitter smile.

"No. This is wrong," Steph quickly removed the chains from Matthew's hands and feet. He was about to fall, but Steph caught him, embracing him tightly.

And as they held each other, Matthew felt a mixture of pain and relief. The ordeal was far from over, but having Steph by his side brought a sense of comfort. Tharn, observing the scene, couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for what he had done.

"I'm so sorry, Love," Matthew muttered, his remorse evident.

Steph, still holding Matthew, looked at Tharn with a mix of anger and sadness. "This has to end, Dada. No more games, no more revenge. We need to find a way to stop this cycle of pain."

"I can't promise that my Teffy, once they touch one of you, I won't hesitate to finish them all off. You know me honey," Tharn emphasized every words to Matthew, "Even he is my grandson's father." He left them and left the room. Steph stayed behind and helped Matthew to stand and went out to go to the clinic in the mansion.

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