Chapter 17

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I only cried. I could see the pain in his eyes with every word I said. I hurt him deeply, and I could feel the pain too, even my baby was aching. He's clearly angry at me for hurting his dad. But this is the only way I could think of. It's a way to save him. I don't want the same mistakes to happen like what happened to his mom. Dada Tharn is mad at me for doing this, I can sense it. but he remains silent. But they couldn't do anything.

My life is in danger. I almost lost my baby. I hope he's okay. I pray for his dad's protection. I try to contact him, but he doesn't have his phone. I watch him from the footage, knowing his activities. I just close my eyes while he's at it.

I'm even more scared of him now. I decided to go out of the country until I give birth. My family supports my decision. They don't know that Brown has access to me. That's why I'm even more scared. Moving away from my family is to protect them. At least, when I die with my child, I have done something right. And to Matthew, I hope he understands my decision in the future. I hope he forgives me for what I said and did.

On the way to the airport, a van opened, and they shot the bodyguards accompanying me. I remained calm even though I was trembling inside with fear. I held my belly. I'm sorry, my baby. You're so unlucky to have a mother like me. I hope you can forgive me. Then a man covered my nose with a cloth soaked in chloroform.

Everything went dark. I woke up in an unfamiliar place, restrained and disoriented. The air smelled damp and stale. Panic set in as I realized I was alone, and the realization hit me like a ton of bricks—I was no longer in control.

The room was dimly lit, revealing cold, concrete walls. My attempts to break free were futile. Fear gnawed at me, not only for myself but also for the life growing within me.
A door creaked open, and a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Brown, that sinister presence I had tried to escape. A twisted smile played on his lips, sending shivers down my spine.

"Well, well, my dear," he sneered. "You thought you could escape from me? That you could just vanish into the shadows and leave all this behind?"

I glared at him, summoning whatever strength I had left. "What do you want?" He circled me, his gaze predatory. "You see, my dear Stephanie, you hold something very valuable—something that belongs to me."

A sinking feeling enveloped me. He was referring to the child growing inside me. The child conceived in a twisted tale of deception and manipulation.

"You can't control everything, Brown. This child is not yours; it's mine and Matthew's."
His laughter echoed in the cold room.

"Oh, my sweet Stephanie, you underestimate the power I hold. You may have thought you could break free, but you're still entangled in the web I've woven."

As the reality of my situation sank in, I couldn't help but wonder if my desperate attempt to protect myself and my unborn child had only led me into a darker and more dangerous trap.

I kept my composure, hiding the fear that threatened to consume me. "What do you want from me?"

He leaned in, his voice a sinister whisper. "Oh, my dear, it's simple. I want you to cooperate. Be the perfect mother to my heir."

I spat at him, defiance burning in my eyes. "I will never cooperate with you. I'd rather die."
He chuckled, unfazed by my resistance.

"Death is not on the agenda, my dear. You will comply, willingly or not. I have plans for you and that precious little life inside you."

Days turned into a nightmarish routine of captivity. Brown's demands grew more sinister, and the threats against my unborn child intensified. I clung to the hope that someone, somehow, would come to my rescue.

As my body changed with the progression of the pregnancy, so did the level of Brown's cruelty. He reveled in the power he held over me, relishing every moment of my suffering.
Then, in the midst of despair, a faint glimmer of hope emerged. A mysterious ally, hidden in the shadows, reached out to me. Whispers of a plan to break free from this hellish captivity ignited a spark within me.

With newfound determination, I bided my time, waiting for the opportune moment to escape and bring an end to this nightmare. The safety of my unborn child depended on it.

I know her. She once tried to snatch Matthew away from Irene. That's why she killed her. But Matthew remains distant from her. She is obsessed with being a mother, yet everything she cared for ended up dead. She also couldn't conceive because she's infertile. That's why she kidnapped me once she learned that I'm pregnant. She will never touch or even see my child. I'd choose death over letting her care for my child. She's a living devil to me. She wants to raise a child who will rule the entire clan. And my child will never be like Matthew. Never.

I watch her every move. She throws the vases displayed on the table as she reads something on her phone. She glares at me and approaches, delivering a sharp slap. I taste my own blood from my split lips.

"Look what you've done! All my relatives are gone! Even my mother!" Then, she slaps me again, and I feel the sting on my numb face. I hold my jaw tightly.

"They deserved to die. Their souls were corrupt. You should've been with them." I laugh, but she slaps me once more. My face is getting numb. She grabs my jaw tightly.

"You and your family will pay for what happened to my clan and what you did to Matthew. You deserve to die!" I laugh again, surprising her.

"Then go ahead. Do you think I'm afraid to die? I'd prefer that over this chaotic world." I spat at her, and she recoils. She licks it off her hand.

"Well, it's too early for you to die. How about you have a reunion with my nephew? You've driven him crazy for days, and that's part of your sins." She dials a number, and I have a hunch that Dada contacting him, probably that I'm missing as he immediately answer the phone.

"You answered so quickly, my handsome nephew." The freaking witch speak as she playing her hair and looking at me.

"Where are you?" She loud the speaker so I heard Matthew. I wanted to cry when I heard his voice but I tried to be strong.

"I'm just in hell, Dark. Are you asking?"

"Don't hurt Steph!" He said angrily.

"I'll be even angrier if you come here, Matthew Willson!" I said and it was good for Matthew to hear it.

"See? Your love doesn't want you to come here. I told you not to let them catch me." She smile at me like a demon. "Have you killed everyone? Well, I guess I'm the last one left in the family. You, me, and your dad." She added.

"You're a beast!"

"Well, thank you. It's my pleasure to hear that... tooot..." Then she cut the call.

After ending the call, I gave her a defiant look.

"Don't worry, baby boy, your night and shining armor will come soon." She touches my stomach, and I can't avoid it because I'm restrained.

"Always be good to mommy. Don't give him stress. Well, see you soon, my heir." She laughs loudly and leaves me alone in the room.

Matthew's POV:

I'm terrified; Steph can't be lost. "I thought he was going abroad, what's happening? Why is he missing?" I shout into the phone.

"They are going to the airport and then when we find out that he was kidnapped, my men are dead. They took Teffy. Who else would take him? It's the people from the organization. And don't raise your voice at me. Teffy is my grandson!"

"He's the mother of my child. It's not just him in danger; it's my child too!" I retort on the other line. They can't access Steph, and now I see the missed calls and texts from him. My eyes widen as Brown sends a photo of Steph bound and marked on both cheeks. My blood boils even more at what I see.

I didn't ask the Kiriguns for help. They're not allowed in the underworld, especially with Dragon there. He's my grandfather, my mom's father. Well, I know they know what I did to their clan. Even what happened to his insane wife.

The underworld is like a palace, a dream come true for an ordinary person to live here. But this is my nightmare. The last time I was here was when one of Steph's ex-girlfriends and his ex, whom I killed, were involved.

Entering, I was surprised that no servants greeted me. The place was eerily silent. I ran upstairs, feeling uneasy. It was suspiciously quiet. I checked each room, but there was no one. I was about to force open a door when someone spoke.

"Dark." I turned to see Brown, and I immediately shot at her. She dodged it.

"What the fuck, Dark! Wait, let me explain!" she shouted. She was hiding under the couch.
"You have nothing to explain. I'm not a fool, Brown, to believe you!" I yelled.

I was surprised when she threw a book at me.

"Idiot! You shouted too loud. Your husband is asleep. Don't make noise!" She approached me with raised hands, pinching my side.

"He just fell asleep waiting for you. Why did it take so long? It's not like there's traffic getting here." She entered, and so did I. I was confused. I saw him sleeping comfortably with Hazard beside him. Hazard was Brown's male cat.

"What's going on? You kidnapped him, and then you sent me his picture with... What the fuck!" She stepped on my foot, and she put a cloth in my mouth, which I quickly removed.

"I'll kidnap you for real if you make another noise. This time, you'll be with him." She glared at me. I looked at Steph, sleeping peacefully. I noticed the handprint on his face and a cut on his lips. I glanced at Brown, and she made a peace sign.

"He cried earlier while telling me about you. He feels extremely guilty for what he did to you, knowing everything. He couldn't handle it; that's why he said those things to you. I got worried because he couldn't breathe. I thought I'd have to rush him to the hospital." She explained. I walked towards her and kissed her on the forehead.

"He loves you so much, Dark. I can see it. You're lucky. And you'll be a dad soon." I looked at her. I could see the sadness in her eyes, even though she was smiling. "About what's happening, it's all my plan to help and save Steph from Dragon. I know the organization knows that Steph was kidnapped. They know he's a Kirigun, and they know you impregnated him. That's why I'm helping you. While you're killing them one by one, I'll do my part to help you two survive. Don't worry; your dad is on your side. He's my eye inside the organization. Dragon can't kill him because the entire empire would collapse, along with you. That's why their target is your loved ones. And it's Steph." She explained.

"I know you won't trust me just because I'm your relative. And like you, I'm against these rules, the dark rules of our devilish clan. Don't worry; I'm always by your side." She patted my back.

"Please inform the Kiriguns that Steph is safe. I can't access them. I will surely speak that Steph is a Smart IT hacker. It's so hard to access them. And you explain his bruises to them. Hehe, I was just scaring you. And also to spread to the organization that he was really kidnapped." I asked.

"Are you playing with them?" I'm starting to understand.

"Yes, we're playing. Why don't we join in?" she said.

"Thank you, Brown," I said.

"Always welcome. Alright, I'll leave it to you. I've been feeling dizzy and nauseous for a while." She rubbed her temples.

"Have you seen a doctor? You look pale," I asked. She shook her head.

"This is just fatigue. I've been reading stories non-stop. Take care of your wifey drama king. It's worse than being abandoned by a spouse. You need to sleep to. Because tomorrow is another battle again. So be ready." I chuckled and nodded. Who would have thought that I have a relative on my side? I looked at Steph again. His eyes were swollen. I wiped away his tears. Was he crying in his sleep?

I moved closer to Steph and gently placed his head on my chest. Unaware, he instinctively embraced me, nestling his face against my neck, causing a subtle tickling sensation with his breath. I placed my hand on his belly, noticing its noticeable size. He had gained some weight, and his cheeks seemed fuller. Speaking of cheeks, I immediately checked his face. It was reddish, and his lips had a small cut. Brown had a penchant for theatrics. If she weren't a member of the clan, she might have been an actress by now.

"I'm sorry that you're involved in all of this because of me," I whispered softly. I kissed his forehead, and he closed his eyes in response.

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